Thursday, September 30, 2010

Final Fantasy XIV Preview: What You'll Like and What You Won't

posted by: Ron Keith Fri 24th Sep 2010

Final Fantasy XIV Preview:‭ ‬What You'll Like and What You Won't

by Ron Keith

Final Fantasy XIV officially releases this week.‭ ‬If you spent‭ ‬$75‭ ‬on the collector's edition you had a week's head start and you've probably already started forming your opinions of this newest MMO.‭ ‬But maybe you wanted to save a little cash cause you're the frugal type.‭ ‬Or maybe you just wanted to wait for the word on the street before you bought the game.‭ ‬You want to know what's what before you fork over your hard-earned dough.‭ ‬You're the prudent type.‭ ‬You want to know what you're going to like and what you're not.

Every MMO has something going for it.‭ ‬If you can't find something to like in an MMO,‭ ‬you're either not looking hard enough or the MMO really sucks.‭ ‬As with most MMOs,‭ ‬there are things you'll like about FFXIV and there are things you probably won't like.

What You'll Like‭ – ‬The Graphics
Just as Aion did about a year ago,‭ ‬Final Fantasy XIV raises the graphics bar.‭ ‬The designers focused on enhancing every player's visual experience.‭ ‬From strands of flowing hair on your character to detailed lacing on your belt pack and leather patterning on your pants‭; ‬from the deep skies interlaced with fluffy white clouds to the swaying,‭ ‬green grass and leaves drifting through the air.‭ ‬It all comes together to created a visually beautiful world.‭

What You Won't Like‭ – ‬It's Lagalicious
Every new MMO is a little laggy because all the new players playing the new game at once put a strain on the servers.‭ ‬In that case,‭ ‬the lag comes in fits and starts.‭ ‬But in FFXIV everything lags.‭ ‬Every single command.‭ ‬Simple stuff like bring up your inventory to complicated stuff like combat.‭ ‬It all lags and it lags all the time.‭

Oddly enough,‭ ‬it's a lag you might be able to live with.‭ ‬There's no rubberbanding‭ – ‬the lag where you'll run forward and sudden find yourself being pulled back‭; ‬and there's no warping‭ – ‬the lag where you lose contact with the server or it drops your data,‭ ‬and you find yourself miraculously‭ “‬teleported‭” ‬to the location you were running to.‭ ‬In FFXIV,‭ ‬your commands don't seem to get lost‭ – ‬it just takes a while for the system to catch up.‭

What You'll Like‭ – ‬It's A Vast World
FFXIV is a vast explorable game world with‭ ‬3‭ ‬very different starting regions:‭  ‬Ul'Dah,‭ ‬a desert region,‭ ‬Limasa-Lominsa,‭ ‬a sea port,‭ ‬and Gridania,‭ ‬a woodland.‭ ‬All large,‭ ‬explorable regions different towns and camps within each region,‭ ‬and each region has its own storyline quests.‭ ‬A lot of work was put into building the FFXIV world and it shows.

What You Won't Like‭ – ‬Invisible Walls
You have a quest to kill a mole.‭ ‬You see him just below you on a ledge.‭ ‬You'll just jump down and kill him,‭ ‬you think.‭ ‬You run forward and‭ – ‬Boom‭! ‬Smack into an invisible wall.‭ ‬You can't go any farther.‭ ‬You hit invisible walls so often in this MMO,‭ ‬you'll feel like Marcel Marceau.‭

There are so many places in the game where it seems you should be able to just go straight to get to where you need to go,‭ ‬but you're blocked by invisible walls.‭ ‬Usually,‭ ‬these are areas where it would seem safe to just jump down‭ – ‬from a dias to the floor‭; ‬from a ledge slightly higher than another ledge‭ – ‬but the walls block you.‭ ‬You have to take the long way around A LOT and that get's tedious.

What You'll Like‭ – ‬It's a Little Cheaper Than Most MMOs
The monthly fee for one character is‭ ‬$12.99.

What You Won't Like‭ – ‬The Bait and Switch
‭“‬For one character...‭” ‬Remember that.‭ ‬For one character the monthly fee will be‭ ‬$12.99.‭ ‬And you can have up to‭ ‬8‭ ‬characters.‭ ‬That's great,‭ ‬isn't it‭?

Not so much.‭ ‬Each additional character costs another‭ ‬$3.‭ ‬If you want to add‭ ‬7‭ ‬more characters,‭ ‬FFXIV will cost another‭ ‬$21,‭ ‬plus the base fee of‭ ‬$12.99‭ (‬Square Enix says the base fee is‭ ‬$9.99,‭ ‬but that doesn't include a game character.‭ ‬It's kind of hard to play without a character.‭)‬.‭ ‬If you use all‭ ‬8‭ ‬of your character slots it's going to cost you‭ ‬$33.99‭ ‬a month.‭ ‬That's not much of a bargain and it's more expensive than most MMOs.

What You'll Like‭ – ‬The Storyline Quests
The main quests are fantastic.‭ ‬FFXIV immerses you in the FFXIV lore by giving you storyline quests to follow.‭ ‬Do them‭! ‬They're a lot of fun and one of the best things about the game.‭ ‬There are wonderful cut scenes that make you feel like you're part of an adventure story.‭ ‬For the most part you're just observing what the other characters are doing,‭ ‬but they're still great fun and you'll still feel like you're part of the adventure.‭ 

What You Won't Like‭ – ‬The Repetition
The other quests need a lot of work.‭ ‬There's nothing new,‭ ‬here.‭ ‬It's the same-ole,‭ ‬same-ole you've seen since the dawn of MMOs.‭ ‬Go kill‭ ‬4‭ ‬rats.‭ ‬Go kill‭ ‬6‭ ‬bats.‭ ‬Go make‭ ‬4‭ ‬pairs of shoes‭ (‬Crafting quest.‭)‬.‭ 

What You'll Like‭ – ‬The Crafting
If you're a crafting freakazoid,‭ ‬FFXIV is the game for you.‭ ‬The game is more about crafting than it is about anything else.‭ ‬Really.‭ ‬All that going out and killing stuff is secondary to the crafting.‭

Almost all the world drops are crafting materials.‭ ‬You need to start crafting for new armor,‭ ‬but you also need to start crafting to level.‭ ‬Crafting gives you experience and doing a few different crafts helps you level faster.‭

The crafting is also fun and slightly addictive.‭ ‬The crafting process is dependent on mats,‭ ‬some of which are only available through other crafts.‭ ‬So you find yourself running around doing other crafts to create stuff you need to make the item you're trying to craft.‭ ‬It sounds tedious,‭ ‬but it's actually enjoyable‭ – ‬at least,‭ ‬initially.‭ ‬Maybe it will get more tiresome over time.

What You Won't Like‭ – ‬No Auction House and No Recipe Book
FFXIV allows players to create their own private stores.‭ ‬That's always a nice option.‭ ‬What's not nice is there's no auction house‭! ‬The game is highly dependent on mats from other crafts,‭ ‬but there's no central auction house for finding those mats.‭ ‬Get ready to spend a lot of time browsing through other players‭' ‬private stores.

And there's no recipe book for your crafting recipes.‭ ‬As you complete crafting quests,‭ ‬you'll be given recipes for new items you can craft.‭ ‬That's great,‭ ‬right‭? ‬You're all set to craft those new gloves.‭ ‬Was it one piece of leather or two‭? ‬You forget.‭ ‬You'll just look it up,‭ ‬right‭? ‬Wrong.‭ ‬There's no in-game recipe book‭! ‬And that's symptomatic of one of the biggest annoyance of the game:‭  ‬Someone at Square Enix forgot this is the computer age.‭ ‬You'll spend half your time tabbed out,‭ ‬scrolling through wikis,‭ ‬trying to find recipes or what this trait does or where this NPC is‭; ‬all things that should be handled by the game.‭

There are lots of things to like about FFXIV.‭ ‬The crafting is fun and well thought out.‭ ‬It might be the most detailed and interesting in all MMOs.‭ ‬The storyline quests are a lot of fun and it's great to see an adventure integrated into the game.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬there are more than a few things to dislike,‭ ‬too.‭ ‬Most of these things are annoyances and time sinks.‭ ‬There's lag and invisible terrain walls,‭ ‬the game costs more than Square Enix leads you to believe,‭ ‬and you have to use out-of-game wikis to look up crafting recipes or locate many NPCs.

Your first impression of FFXIV will probably be that it's just an updated version of FFXI,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬unfortunately,‭ ‬not that updated.‭ ‬The game is still very old-school:‭ ‬lots of tasks take much more time than they should and many quests are repetitious.‭ ‬There are some fun things,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬and if you're a crafting fan or a Final Fantasy fan,‭ ‬you'll probably enjoy this game.‭ ‬If you're looking for serious action,‭ ‬you probably won't.

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4 Hot New MMO releases - HD VIDEO PREVIEW - GW2, FFXIV, Jumpgate, DC Universe

posted by: Martin Persusi Thu 30th Sep 2010

4 Hot New MMO releases - VIDEO PREVIEW - GW2, FFXIV, Jumpgate, DC Universe brings you an exclusive video preview of 4 excellent new MMOs coming in the near future. 

Check out 5 glorious HD quality minutes of superb gameplay and trailer footage of these 4 games, as we tell you a lot more about them.

Narration is from a previous article on these 4 games that was published here a few days ago.
To see the video, click here: MMO
Let us know what you think of our very first Video Preview, and perhaps we'll consider making more!

Oh and yes, we know these aren't free to play (F2P) MMOs, we love ALL MMOs, that is why our name is!

See ya! ^_^

This Video was written by Ron "ManyLaughs" Keith, and created by Melanie "Thyrene" Paz

Copyright (c) 2010 -

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ragnarok maker Gravity to get majority interest in Dragonica developer

posted by: Sky_Shaker Tue 28th Sep 2010

Ragnarok maker Gravity to get majority interest in Dragonica developer

Online games developer and publisher Gravity Interactive announces a signed agreement on September 28th, 2010, to acquire a 50.8% equity interest in Barunson Interactive Co., Ltd. also an online game developer.

The deal will set Gravity back approximately $10.1 million dollars. They expect the transaction to close around October 25, 2010, depending on regulatory and customary approval procedures. When all is said and done, Gravity will gain control over the management team of Barunson Interactive. They will also be in a position to spots of Barunson Interactive. Gravity released in a statement that the purpose of the transaction is to "strengthen its online game development capabilities and secure a quality online game line-up".

Barunson Interactive was founded in 2003 and currently has two massively multiplayer online role playing games ("MMORPGs) commercially offered, Dragonica and Dragonraja, and one MMORPG under development. Dragonica, a three-dimensional side scrolling MMORPG, is commercially serviced in 10 countries including China, Japan and European countries. Gravity entered into a license agreement for Dragonica in the United States and Canada on August 17, 2010.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Dynasty Warriors, new tactical combat MMO Gameplay Preview

Dynasty Warriors, new tactical combat MMO Gameplay Preview

Dynasty Warriors Online is the first online tactical combat game (MMO) from Techmo Koei. It is set in the Three Kingdoms era of Ancient China and the beautiful graphics will transport players back into the heart of this dramatic and romantic period. This game artfully combines MMO elements with the fast paced, exciting combat players have grown love from other Dynasty Warriors titles.  In Dynasty Warriors Online, players are able to:

Lay waste to thousands of opponents in every battle.
For the first time, play online with friends from around the world. Up to 24 players can participate in Show Downs.
Unique in-game, instance based leveling allows players to change their strategies mid-fight by leveling up various attributes.
Numerous battle modes to allow players to fight one another, hone their skills in solo modes, even capture enemy towns.

In addition to these, Dynasty Warriors Online is the first title to feature character creation that allows the player to become the hero of the story. As players grow and become more powerful warriors, they continue to become more individual as the game offers a variety of customization options for both armor and weapons. To take their power to even higher levels, players can take advantage of an easy to use item enhancement system. Every warrior should have a place to call home; Dynasty Warriors Online provides player houses and furinture to decorate the place to all their social needs. Finally, Dynasty Warriors Online has a guild system to let players create newer and greater strategies for large-scale wars!

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The Battle of the Gamers: Part Two

posted by: Cody Hargreaves, Daniel Ball Sun 26th Sep 2010

The Battle of the Gamers: Part Two
Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

By Cody Hargreaves and Daniel Ball

Cody: And we’re back. A while ago, Dan and I began what appeared to be a friendly discussion about the pros and cons of MMOs and Console Games, but before long we found ourselves locked in a gruelling battle of wits and words. Names were called; blows were deflected; we loved every second of it and we’re back for more -- we know it’s been a while, but life’s a busy beast, and we’re not all powerfully. Yet.  During our last little chat, we took a brief look at an element of the MMO that often falls under scrutiny: the story. Today, we’ve got something a little tastier.
Those of you with eyes will probably have noticed that Starcraft 2 was released last month, and it’s given me something to throw at Dan that he’s not going to see coming: competition. Sure, games like Modern Warfare 2 and Halo 3 have a strong footing in the realm of competition; I mean, they have, like, 16 player games and everything! Pfft. Welcome to the new-age people; WoW was throwing 40 versus 40 at us over 4 years ago and it’s only going up, not to mention the 12 million subscribers. Now that’s epic competition.
However, Starcraft 2 has thrown us into something of a tight spot. As I write this, there are millions of people battling it out in hundreds of thousands of games. That’s epic, too. Definition tells us it’s not an MMO. Yet, it’s not a console gamer, either. What is it? And more importantly: whose side is it on? Dan?
Dan: I’ve always wondered where exactly these kinds of games fit in genre-wise, and, to be completely honest, I don’t think I have an answer. What I can agree on; however, is that yes, they’re completely epic, and they’re fun as all hell. Starcraft 2 has got its big Xel’naga hands around my tiny little throat lately, because, in short: it’s amazing!
That said, I don’t think Starcraft 2 falls under the MMO genre at all. Sure, it has leader boards, achievements, unlockable rewards through experience and progression, but it’s by no means an MMO as we traditionally know them. Perhaps it needs its own genre? (Either way, Cody loses this argument, so we’re all fairly happy with the outcome.)
I see Starcraft 2 as having some of the best elements from both the MMO world and the console gaming world. On the one hand, we have amazingly big competition (PvP, if you like) and on the other hand we have the elements from the console gaming side of things: beautifully rendered cutscenes, a campaign mode, a story (!), challenge missions,  replays , AI opponents, and of course straight-up, real-time action-packed matches.
Now, take the ‘MMO elements’ out of the game, or the console gaming elements, and you’re left with a pretty average game, I would imagine. Thoughts, Zerg scum?
Cody: Zerg… scum? I ought to have your Protoss behind drawn and quartered for such a remark! Since when did lesser life forms start calling the clearly superior species’ names? This universe is going down hill fast. Anywho, where were we? Right -- Starcraft is not an MMO. Alright, I can agree on that. At least, in the traditional sense of the word. It’s not WoW, or Aion, or Atlantica Online, but as you mentioned; it does share a good deal of the features. Then again, it has achievements and a single-player mode, so it’s a lot like a console game, too.
I know: let’s call it a Hybrid. That seems to fit (and those of you that have finished the Starcraft Campaign might enjoy the reference), and it allows us to move on comfortably. Of course, it’s a bit of a cheese build, as it’s a fence-sitting name if I ever saw one, and it doesn’t leave much room for argument. I guess we’ll just have to leave Starcraft 2 where it is for now; it doesn’t matter if you like Console Games or MMOs, Starcraft 2 has something you’ll enjoy. How’s that for a free plug?!
I guess it makes sense to make a game that has it all though, doesn’t it? I mean, sure; there’s no persistent world, and you can’t improve your character, so it’s not going to appeal to all audiences, but it’s definitely checking a lot of boxes. Hmm… well, what’s next, Dan?
Dan: I think it all comes down to providing us (the players) with a quality experience and, of course, willingness to provide support down the line if need be. This is usually a make-or-break thing for MMOs, in the sense that; if the company fails to provide good support (and there are a lot that are guilty of this) the in game experience and fun factor is seriously reduced.
As well as good support, a nice level of ‘polish’ adds so much to a game (‘It’s the little things...’)
Whether you’re playing an MMO or not, that little polish or, to put it another way: that attention to detail, makes the game feel as though it was made to be enjoyed and not for the sole purpose of filling the developers’ wallets. This logic is probably why I so willingly parted with the money I did for Starcraft 2, probably providing the employees of Blizzard a nice, new gold-plated toilet.
It all comes down to enjoyment. Play what you enjoy (dur, right?). Over-categorisation can and will lead to arguments and flames wars, not to mention some straight-up confusion.
‘Til next time, En Taro Tassadar, gamers!
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Saturday, September 25, 2010

MMO - presents Thyrene, Community Manager

Watch Thyrene, Community Manager

MMO New Releases: Here Comes Some Sizzle

MMO New Releases: Here Comes Some Sizzle
by Ron Keith

It's been a bit of a lackluster year for commercial MMOs. What has there been so far? Star Trek Online (STO), Global Agenda, and the ill-fated All-Points Bulletin (APB). Star Trek was only half-finished at release, Global Agenda less than half-finished, and APB set a new record for MMOs, shutting down its servers less than three months after it released.

On the other hand, single-player titles have been on fire. Single-player gamers got Mass Effect II, StarCraft II, and Civilization V, games that dazzled, pushed gaming boundaries with innovative play, and, quite simply, redefined their respective gaming genres. MMO gamers? They got blah.

If you were looking for a new, exciting MMO, this year hasn't been kind to you. Maybe you tried one of those new MMOs, thinking STO or APB would get your blood pumping. They really didn't, did they? You probably played them for a bit, maybe had fun for a while, but there really wasn't much there to capture your imagination was there?

Where was the wow factor? Where was the innovation? 

Even if you liked STO – probably the best of this year's sorry lot – you quickly realized it didn't offer  much new. There was no sizzle.

When you discovered those paltry three titles weren't going to do it for you, you probably explored some MMOs you never played before. Did you find yourself lost in the MMO desert, wandering from MMO to MMO? Maybe you tried WAR or Age of Conan. Maybe you ventured into the free-to-play (F2P) realm and knocked around there for a bit. If you were looking for something innovative, something to set your world on fire, you only found disappointment, didn't you? Eventually you probably gave up the search, returning to an old favorite like World of Warcraft or Aion or EVE?

Yeah, it's been a disappointing year for MMOs and the implosion of APB has just put an exclamation mark on the dismal pall already cast over the entire genre. But looking ahead, there's hope. Maybe bright, shining hope. Hope starts arriving this month and keeps coming for the rest of the year.

The following MMOs are all scheduled for release, or rumored to be scheduled for release, before the end of the year. All of them look like they might bring some much needed innovation and sizzle to MMOs.

Final Fantasy XIV
Final Fantasy MMOs have never been considered groundbreaking. Sure, they have great PvE and a game world players love to immerse themselves in, but they've never been thought of as particularly innovative. Square Enix's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) might change that.

FFXIV promises to bring something to the MMO genre that has been seriously lacking from the MMOs – a strong, cohesive storyline. Single-player games have incorporated storylines for years;  MMOs have ignored them. Just as a good storyline keeps gamers playing a single player game, Square Enix seems to have realized that a good storyline can keep players interested in an MMO and have incorporated storylines that dovetail with FFXIV's quests.

For more information, go here:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Should Michael Jackson's Virtual World and MMOG...Beat it?

Should Michael Jackson's Virtual World and MMOG...Beat it?

According to a press release at SEE Virtual Worlds MJ, LLC (say that ten times fast) a new MMO is coming to a PC near you, giving you a chance to renew your love for MJ and all things Neverland all over again.

"PLANET MICHAEL™ is a remarkable virtual world MMOG inspired by the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. This online experience brings the most passionate Michael Jackson fan together with those just discovering his artistry in an environment where they can join to celebrate a life devoted to music, art and global messages of love and peace.

In PLANET MICHAEL™ Michael is celebrated through a global online community in an innovative, first-of-its-kind interactive gaming and social experience carried out through a safe, regulated environment.

PLANET MICHAEL’S™ immense virtual space is filled with iconic visuals drawn from Michael’s music, his life and the global issues that concerned him. It is a massive social gaming experience that will allow everyone, from the hard core fan to the novice, to connect and engage in collaborative in-game activities with people worldwide.

I'm not sure if there will be an age limit on this virtual world or MMOG, or if there will "limitations" on the types of interactions allowed once you are adventuring in Neverland, but suffice to say, this game will attract a lot of attention as it builds towards release day.

I'm sure in the end, they'll do MJ proud and make a Fantasy Role Playing Game that even the King of Pop would approve of :)

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Gamigo's MMORPG King of Kings 3 - Cleric Class Announced

Gamigo's MMORPG King of Kings 3 - Cleric Class Announced

Hamburg, 22.09.2010 - In this last installment of our feature series on the classes in the upcoming clan warfare MMORPG King of Kings 3 we'll shed some light on the cleric and the different specializations available to him. 

The cleric goes into battle armed with a hammer and dressed in a robe or leather armor. At Level 50 players can choose to develop their character into a scholar, a bishop or a priest. The scholar assists his party with spectacular healing and resurrection spells. A bishop can summon guardian angels that improve physical and magic resistance.

Buffs the priest conjures increase party members' defenses and strength, among other things. Eventually the cleric in this MMO will be able to choose from the following:

Specializations of the Scholar
Saint: He uses holy magic to greatly reduce damage to himself and his allies. Area-of-effect spells affect multiple opponents at the same time.

Devil: Dark creatures battle on the devil's side. Vampires increase his damage and the king of the undead bestows his favor upon him by deflecting damage.

Sage: Many of his skills are aimed at attacking groups. He can also make monsters his allies for a short period of time.

Specializations of the Bishop
Archbishop: His skills increase his attack power. He can also remove his opponents' buffs, thus causing them great damage.

Heretic: The heretic summons guardians to assist him in battle or to be sacrificed in order to cause large amounts of damage to his opponents.
His ability to keep enemies from being able to use spells is also very helpful.

Elder: Holy power increases the elder's life force and attack power. He can absorb enemy damage to help out his allies. When faced with a dangerous situation, the elder turns to stone and becomes invincible for a short time. 

Specializations of the Priest
Prophet: His powerful mantras reinforce and heal his allies. An especially powerful mantra turns all members of his group into metal guardians.

Dark Priest: When the Insane God possess the dark priest, his attack power and hit points are increased. He can also conjure an ultimate guardian.

High Priest: The high priest has the elemental gods to thank for his special powers. The power of the Water God makes area of effect spells possible while the Fire God provides immunity to enemy fire spells.

Live Gamer chosen to Power Microtransactions for Namco Networks

Live Gamer to Power Microtransactions for Namco Networks

Genre-Defining Game Developer and Publisher Expands Into Social With Virtual Items-Based Business Model

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - September 22, 2010) -  Live Gamer, the trusted, complete commerce solution for the interactive entertainment industry, today announced that it has been selected by Namco Networks, a leading publisher and developer of interactive content, to accelerate the company's move towards online social games and support its global virtual items-based projects and new Facebook applications.

Through the partnership, Namco will first integrate the Live Gamer Elements virtual economy platform into its new social game, Hamster Pirates, which launches this Fall. The Live Gamer Elements platform will power its virtual goods merchandising, analytics, virtual item gifting, support for earned in-game currencies, item storefronts, robust catalog management, payments gateways, cash-in flows, and much more.

"Offering a free-to-play, virtual items-based experience to users has proven to significantly raise monetization and engagement," said Carlson Choi, Vice President of Marketing at Namco. "We chose to work with the Live Gamer team because they offer a complete, end-to-end solution for driving microtransactions."

"Namco is one of the most beloved game companies in the world, with titles that have inspired and created favorite past-times for generations of gamers," stated Andrew Schneider, President and Co-Founder, Live Gamer. "As in-game virtual items have become the leading revenue driver for online games today, gaming publishers are now integrating this business model for continued success. We're looking forward to helping Namco accelerate their social game strategy and ongoing growth."

Live Gamer has powered microtransactions since the first online game implemented the business model in Korea in 2001, and offers a complete offering for integrating, managing and maximizing microtransaction-based initiatives for enterprise game publishers worldwide. In addition, Live Gamer offers a dedicated, experienced engineering staff that works closely with its customers throughout the integration process and beyond. According to recent research by DFC Intelligence, the online game microtransactions will continue to grow to an estimated $7B worldwide by 2015.

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MMO Maestro Bigpoint to harnesses Silverlight to bring amazing quality to Browser gaming

MMO Maestro Bigpoint to harnesses Silverlight to bring amazing quality to Browser gaming
Stylized Graphics and Strategic Gameplay Combine to Deliver Unique, Massively Multiplayer Online WWII Title

HAMBURG, September 21, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- Bigpoint GmbH  - a worldwide leader in browser-based video games - today announced the global launch of WARSTORY - Europe in Flames  one of the world's first massively multiplayerbrowser-based video game powered by Microsoft Silverlight. Silverlight is a development platform that delivers applications with cutting-edge graphics and interactivity across multiple browsers, devices, and operating systems.

"Bigpoint's leadership stems from our willingness to support innovative technologies that improve the quality of graphics and game play in browser games," said Heiko Hubertz, CEO, Bigpoint. "Being early to market with a multiplayer title that takes advantage of the wide range of features and capabilities in Silverlight was a major factor in our decision to license and add this game to our global network."

"Microsoft is pleased that video game companies such as Bigpoint are taking advantage of the rich features and capabilities in Silverlight to build state-of-the-art video games for the Web," said Brad Becker, director of Rich Client Platforms and Tools, Microsoft Corp. "This compelling game opens the door for users to experience the high-definition, interactive capabilities of Silverlight in an entirely new way."

Bigpoint, which has more than 140 million registered users in its global network, licensed WARSTORY - Europe in Flames from Chimera Entertainment, a digital entertainment studio based in Munich.
"With Silverlight we've found the perfect technology to bring the vision of our game to life," said Hendrik Lesser, CEO, Chimera Entertainment. "We were able to employ a similar development environment for this browser game as we were used to for classic PC games. The efficient tools and the early support from Microsoft have truly assisted us in our work. We are very pleased that Bigpoint is joining us in utilizing this new technology."

WARSTORY - Europe in Flames is a free-to-play, massively multiplayer strategy game set during World War II. Players join one of the allied armies and command a company of soldiers and vehicles, which grows in size, strength, and capabilities as the game progresses. The main objective of the game is to march your forces across Europe and defeat the Axis powers. Large scale multiplayer battles are designed to last several days, which lead to an epic fight in Berlin to decide the fate of the world.

Per the agreement, Bigpoint has global exclusive rights to distribute and market the game. Like all Bigpoint titles, WARSTORY - Europe in Flames is completely free-to-play. Bigpoint plans to release additional games built atop the Silverlight platform in early 2011.

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New MMORPG Kitsu Saga in-dungeon gameplay video

New MMORPG Kitsu Saga in-dungeon gameplay video

The screens highlight the range of character customization options available to players in the game. Apart from the usual variety of options found in other MMOs (hair color, skin tone, hair style, among other things), Kitsu Saga offers multiple character ages (base models), each with their own particular strengths and specialties. For example, a large, burly male will have strength and constitution bonuses at character creation. The video showcases character classes and a dungeon available in the game using in-game character models.

We'll post the screens soon, but check out this video you'll see some of what we're talking about:

Also, here's the first video for the MMORPG Kitsu Saga we posted up a few days ago, check it out:

In a few days, will have Beta keys for this great online game from Aeria, so stay tuned, check back often and come get your key next week!

Come to to find all of the best Online Games,  MMOs and MMORPGs

Monday, September 20, 2010

MMORPG 4Story Launches Consecutive Mega Event for 7 days

Starting from tomorrow through next Monday, world acclaimed hybrid MMORPG 4Story, will bring in fabulous events. Fascinating rewards are waiting for grab of all new visitors with consecutive events starting from 21th September through over the weekend. This would be the chance for you to be a star of the community and be a hero faster than anybody in the game with first hands on-opportunity against various event gifts. Rewards consist of highly upgraded weapon and armors, gold, cash items and unpredictable mystery boxes of popular items. Join 4story and retrieve your luck.

Event Details:

* Monster Spawn event (Everyday, 20:00~20:30 21st/Sep~26th/Sep (PST))

*Race to level 30 event (Period: 21st/Sep~ 27th/Sep  7 days (PST))
How: the first 20 players who reach level 30 will get special reward! 
Reward: Honor Package (2,999G)

*Tuesday, Wednesday (21th~22nd/Sep)
2X option transfer event for 48 hours

*Thursday (23rd/Sep)
2X Enchant Event for 24 hours

*Friday (24th/Sep)
2X Rare Enchant Event 24 hours

Lucky event (08:30~09:00)
GM will be looking for a particular person, be a lucky person on the day!
EX) GM is looking for a level 68 human Archer, if you are, please come to the main castle
Reward: Treasure box X3

Copy-Cat Event (09:00~10:00)
Group a full party! GM will ask you a particular emoticon. 
If your party makes a same motion all together, you win the game.
The party that made the most wins will get the reward.
Reward: Treasure Box X10 per person in the party.

Guild party Tournament (10:00~11:00)
Which the strongest guild is in 4Story?
Group a full party with your best members and send the list to 1:1 for the event.
The winning group will get 30,000 guild merit and 4 each god's treasures.

* Sunday
Monster soccer event! (09:00~10:00)
Group a 7 member party for soccer event!
The final winners will get +11 national flag cloak.
4Parties will join the soccer event.

GM tournament betting event! (10:00~11:00)
GMs will have individual tournament. Bet on your favorite GM and with your luck!

This MMORPG is free to play, to sign up for this online game now click 4Story!

Come to to find all of the best Online Games,  MMOs and MMORPGs

Popular MMORPG Rappelz Epic 7 Awakening - Now Live!

SUNNYVALE, California - Leading free to play online game publisher Gala-Net is excited to announce the latest expansion of its popular fantasy MMORPG Rappelz is now live.  Rappelz Epic 7: Awakening provides the Rappelz community with so much more to explore, as the mysteries of the Veiled Island unfold.

Expanded to four times its size, the Veiled Island will house new zones such as Unicorn Forest, Dragons Nest, Blizzard Valley, Snowfield Basin, and Kaia Lake.  

Additionally, a robust new feature set will be added, including a renewed Guild System, new cosmetic customizations, an enhanced pet system, and a brand new pet that is more than a hollow suit of armor- The Death Tyrant!

Get ready to explore new landscape, fight new bosses, and enjoy all the feature enhancements that Epic 7 has to offer!

New Content Highlights:
Expansion of the Veiled Island
o Explorable land is now 4x Larger
o 8 New Field Bosses
6 New Hidden Dungeons with increased difficulty, more EXP and items
New Tamable Creature: The Death Tyrant

New Features Highlights:
New Creature Combination System
o Creatures can be combined for a chance to increase power and enhance appearance
Enhance Guild System
o Guilds can now assign 6 different ranks to their members
o The Guild Master can set different permissions for each rank!
Bug Fixes
o Invisible loot bug is fixed

Check out all of the exciting updates in the full patch notes and learn more about the expansion on The Official Rappelz Site.

About Rappelz
Rappelz is a visionary MMORPG with gorgeous graphics, an in-depth pet system, extensive quests, nimble mounts, an innovative class structure, player ownable dungeons, and a dynamic PVP system.  Players choose from three races--the Deva, Gaia, and Asura-- representing Creation, Earth, and Destruction.  Characters can then become one of fifteen distinct classes through customization, from monster tamers to axe-wielding battle mages.  Players can also enjoy taming, raising, and evolving their battle pets-magical pixies, ferocious orcs, and divine white dragons can all be yours to command!

If you would like to play this amazing free to play online game for FREE, click Rappelz!

Come to to find all of the best Online Games,  MMOs and MMORPGs

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The king of MMOs, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm imminent?

The king of MMOs, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm imminent?

Hrmmm...Blizzard Background Downloader, what's this? "Currently working on Wow -3.3.x to 4.0.0 patch-na-stage1" could this mean Cataclysm is imminent? (Thanks for the tip Gary)
This editor has his level 80 Holy Paladin on hold at the moment, because there just wasn't much left to do lately for me (been playing Rappelz with my significant other).

>> What do you think?
>> How will this affect the MMO Market for the holiday season?

>> Will you dust off your level 80, get the expansion and continue the grind?

Share your thoughts with us!

Copyright (c) 2010 -

Come to to find all of the best Online Games,  MMOs and MMORPGs

Saturday, September 18, 2010



by Ron Keith

'Tis a sad day,‭ ‬fellow gamers.‭ ‬It is a sad day whenever any MMO passes.‭ ‬We are gathered here,‭ ‬today,‭ ‬to pay our final respects to the short-lived,‭ ‬somewhat promising,‭ ‬but ultimately disappointing MMO,‭ ‬All Points Bulletin,‭ ‬aka APB.‭

Birthed into our world of MMOs on June‭ ‬29,‭ ‬barely three months ago,‭ ‬APB has announced it's rolling up the sidewalks of San Paro.‭ ‬On September‭ ‬16,‭ ‬the somewhat smallish APB community was greeted with this announcement:‭ “‬Today we are sad to announce that despite everyone's best efforts to keep the service running‭; ‬APB is coming to a close.‭” (‬This announcement was posted under the probably unintentionally ironic heading,‭ “‬End of an Era‭”‬.‭ ‬Three months.‭ ‬That's not even an era in the life of a fruit fly‭!)

It's an awful harsh world.‭ ‬It must be to snatch one so full of promise from us so soon.‭ ‬The blood and tears of Grand-Theft Auto‭ (‬GTA‭) ‬flagellants stains our halls.‭ ‬The wails of grieving shooter fans echo throughout our halls.‭ ‬Well,‭ ‬three or four of them,‭ ‬anyway.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬we hear the cries of the few,‭ ‬the very few,‭ ‬who bemoan the passing of APB.‭

But let us be frank,‭ ‬though it might mean speaking ill of the dead,‭ ‬APB offered little more than promise.‭ ‬You might have dreamed APB would be the first truly great shooter MMO,‭ ‬the one that would finally lift shooters from the multiplayer environs of Counter-Strike and Call of Duty to the persistent,‭ ‬explorable world of an MMO.‭ (‬Why should RPG gamers have all the fun‭?) ‬You might have dreamed the fast-paced,‭ ‬GTA-style setting would set MMOs on their ear.

APB gave you plenty of reasons to dream:‭ ‬Dave Jones,‭ ‬the creator of GTA,‭ ‬was onboard‭; ‬RealTime Worlds spent‭ ‬5‭ ‬years‭ – ‬5‭ ‬years‭! – ‬developing the game‭; ‬and the word was they spent‭ ‬$100‭ ‬million on the effort.‭ ‬Dave Jones,‭ ‬years of development,‭ ‬and tons of cash...‭ ‬Why wouldn't you expect a killer game‭?

To read more, go HERE!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

How to steal $45,000 real dollars from other MMO gamers

How to steal $45,000 real dollars from other MMO gamers

Apparently that is exactly what this player did in the popular SCI-FI MMO, EVE Online

The EVE Online universe is comprised of all the elements you would expect: outer orbit pirates, spaceship battles with lasers and photons, and anything else that might appear in a circa 1990s film starring Harrison Ford.

What you might not expect is that the denizens of dark, those griefers looking to ruin another players good time or fortune who exist in all MMO games, are far too common in EVE Online and sometimes it is even encouraged!

Who knows if the atmosphere that the GMs or others in charge created in this game was part and partial to the cause or not, but one player recently has been seen to have bilked their fellow gamers out of over $45,000 in real life currency (ISK translated into real money)

The scam, not too unfamiliar, was to make copies of a highly coveted and secret set of blueprints for the MMOs largest Battle Cruiser, and sell them as a limited-run. This guy even went so far as to try and get investors to penny-up more dough for this corporation inside the game - that was later dumped in the end for 850 Billion ISK (in game currency). 

You guessed it, real life value:  $45 grand! Not bad for a year and a half of gaming work :)

Copyright (c) 2010 -

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

MMO Caesary Server 5 now open!

MMO Caesary Server 5 now open!

Win an iPad or thousands of dollars’ worth of prizes playing Caesary on Aeria Games

SANTA CLARA, Calif. – September 13, 2010 – Aeria Games, a leading publisher of interactive
entertainment, announced that Caesary Server 5 launched on Wednesday, September 1st. Like the successful previous Caesary tournament server, Server 5 will award the top 500 players after 30 days with thousands of dollars’ worth of prizes. Additionally, all Server 5 players will be automatically entered into a sweepstakes to win brand new 16G iPad.

The contest is free to join and will run from Wednesday, September 1st until Friday, September 30th. 

To sign up to play this amazing online game, please click the game link now.

A Sneak Peek at MMO Dragon's Call's New Competition System

A Sneak Peek at MMO Dragon's Call's New Competition System

New System Resembles Dragon Ball Anime Series

Recently, fantasy browser-based MMO Dragon's Call has been updated continuously. Following the release of Instance Wars and Guild Wars, Arena Tournaments will also be fully upgraded with the brand new system - Sacred Wings. Adopting the same mode of Budokai Tenkaichi in Dragon Ball anime series, this system has attracted a lot of attention. Read on for a sneak peek at this mysterious Dragon Ball alike system.

Sacred Wings Interface

Dragon's Call has been well received by numerous players for its exquisite graphics and flash battle report system. The gaming process is also aesthetically pleasing. Well, what surprise will the new system bring to players?

The Unveiling of MMORPG Zentia Open Beta

The Unveiling of MMORPG Zentia Open Beta

More Characters and More New Features!

London, UK – Sept 15th, 2010 - proudly announces that in early October 2010, Open Beta will be unleashed to the gaming community worldwide for the most loveable, charmingly hardcore, 3D free-to-play MMORPG, Zentia. The Zentia Open Beta will showcase four additional characters, high level content, exciting events, the Token Shop, and many more thrilling new features. 

“The Closed Beta was a huge success, and we’re very excited about the Open Beta,” says Susan Revelt, Senior Producer of Zentia. “The community fell in love with the characters, and due to the positive feedback; we’re very thrilled to present four new immortals during our Open Beta alongside many fun features that we hope players will immerse themselves in.”  

To continue reading, go here!

New Screens show major changes coming to MMORPG Sho Online

New Screens show major changes coming to MMORPG Sho Online

Seoul Korea -  Sho Online will be undergoing major changes in September 15, 2010. Players will now be able to level up to level 150. All ratings related to defense, offense, levels, skills, item prices and masteries will be changed and rebalanced accordingly. 


Additionally, there will be some graphic changes made. All maps will be retouched to take on a brighter image: you will actually see castles glow during nights. Some monsters will be graphically enhanced. A new level 85 set items will be introduced.

to continue reading, go here!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Former MMO and gaming veteran publisher Acclaim closed?

Former MMO and gaming veteran publisher Acclaim closed?

Acclaim, the game company who revitalized themselves in 2005 as an Online gaming company, has apparently shuttered all of their online titles and either sold them off to Playdom, other entities, or is turning off their servers permanently.

At the Acclaim website ( it says:

"We regret to inform you that all Acclaim games will no longer be in service effective August 26, 2010 "

You can read a longer editorial on the subject of this Online games company closing at Gamasutra.

5 Keys to MMO Success

5 Keys to MMO Success
by Ron Keith

Success. Sadly, it's not something readily available on the shelves at your local CVS. For many, success is the Holy Grail of life: You might search for it all your life, but only the anointed few actually find it. You'll invest in get-rich-schemes, buy self-help books, and schmooze with people who bore you to tears all in the vain hope they might point you in the direction of success. You might do everything right – get a good education and work hard – and success still proves as rare as finding a socialist on Wall Street.

It's no surprise, then, that over the past few years, so many MMOs have had trouble finding success. For many of these MMOs, success seemed to be within their grasp at the day of release, yet it proved little more than an illusion that faded the moment they reached out for it.

Perhaps MMO developers are taking success for granted. Did Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO), Warhammer: Age of Reckoning (WAR), Star Trek Online (STO), and others believe their built-in fanbase guaranteed the success of their MMOs? Did Fallen Earth just presume people would line up to play its post-apocalyptic game? Did Global Agenda assume hordes of Unreal Tournament fans would pay to play their game?

Perhaps. But a devoted fanbase is no more a guarantee of MMO success than an unsinkable ship is a guarantee of safe passage across the Atlantic. And yet, so many new MMOs steam blithely out of port, ignoring the wreckage of their predecessors, only to end up bailing icy cold water with a champagne flute.

Just as with life, MMO success doesn't come with an instruction manual and, of course, there aren't any sure-fire recipes. But just as with life, there are some things MMOs can do to increase their possibility of success.

1. Give players gameplay variety.
The Everquest gameplay model is dead. World of Warcraft killed it. Please move on.

No one wants to log on and grind the same kill mob quests over and over. In fact, players don't even want to do quests over and over. There was a time when players were happy, no ecstatic, just to have a handful of quests to do. No matter how uninventive and repetitive those quests were, players were just happy to be online and playing with friends.

Those days are gone, or they should be, yet so many MMOs are so one-dimensional. LOTRO might be the best example of this. It's a huge, open world, yet it's almost nothing but player-versus-environment (PvE) questing almost all the time. The game doesn't start to open up until the higher levels, but you'll probably be bored out of your mind before you get to those levels.

Players expect more, now, because they've seen that more is possible. MMOs don't have to be one-dimensional and players know it. Players don't want to do the same thing all the time. They want, and expect, variety in their MMOs at all levels of the game. They want player-versus-player (PvP), PvE, dungeons, maybe a little realm-versus-realm (RvR), and regular in-game events to spice things up.

It seems like a lot, but it's not. The sad thing is so many MMOs add a lot of these things after the game releases, after a large part of their subscription base has already left. If they'd had all that variety in the beginning, maybe they never would've lost players.

2. Build a thriving economy
How often do MMO designers overlook their game's economy or treat it like it's an afterthought? How often do you craft something or get a great drop, put it on the auction house, and anxiously await your moolah? Don't game designers understand deep, down inside each of us there's a greedy little swine? (Depth varies according to individual.)

The auction house in an MMO can be it's own mini game. You know you love searching the auction house for great deals. And you'll put your stuff up, too, trying to eek out some extra gold for gear you don't need. You might work all night on a cool piece of armor or brewing some potions just so you can raise some cash. Then you'll take your earnings and buy that sword or amulet you've had your eye on. And you'll be happy. Depending on the item you'll be really, really happy.

It's fun, isn't it? So why do so many MMOs forget about crafting and their auction house?

An MMO that releases without an auction house or one that's dead is just putting success a little farther out of its reach.

To read more, click HERE!

Copyright (c) 2010 -

The Shadow Curse Expansion Lifted by Record Numbers

The Shadow Curse Expansion Lifted by Record Numbers

September 8th, 2010 – With the new expansion now fully underway, (EU) Ltd. (NASDAQ: CYOU) has recorded a significant number of fresh guilds and members logging on hoping to experience the latest instalment titled ‘The Shadow Curse’.

Last week saw the double launch for hit martial arts based MMO TLBB, which has seen unprecedented success among audiences across Europe. The ‘Dragon’ server not only welcomed a number of unique and exciting features available to players, but also saw the launch of the token shop that has allowed gamers to customize their characters and help boost attributes in this 0.85 version. 

Class Mounts

A record number of guild members have also been spotted roaming the virtual lands and they, along with others, have been flocking to find out more about the Shadow Curse story that has taken significant turns thanks to the involvement of players and their support for the Emperor inside the game. The recently unveiled ‘Cursed Brother’ event has given players license to battle with the best and charge forward in an action-packed quest to save an innocent brother who has been tainted by the evil Shadow Master Ting. 

To read more, go HERE!

First ever gameplay video for Swarm, the upcoming action platformer game.

First ever gameplay video for Swarm, the upcoming action platformer game.

Seattle, September, 2010. UTV Ignition Entertainment Ltd., a global publisher and developer of videogames, along with co-publisher Hothead Games, released a brand-new trailer and the first-ever gameplay video for Swarm, the award-winning action platformer launching worldwide on all platforms via digital channels in early 2011. The first video gives players a walkthrough of the brutally hilarious title, guided by Hothead’s Joel DeYoung, while the all-new trailer shows more of the hilarious and exciting ways the lovable yet daft Swarmites can be sacrificed…for the greater good, of course! 

In Swarm, players take control of 50 utterly fearless Swarmites and must drive them through an intense, entertaining and often suicidal battle for a greater good. Run, bash, huddle, boost, stack, jump, push and throw your way through gauntlets of death and destruction in an attempt to collect valuable DNA and ensure that at least one Swarmite survives. With a unique combination of mass character control and fast action, the resulting brutal aftermath will make players want to play Swarm over and over again. 

Swarm is being developed by Hothead Games and will be available early 2011 on all platforms via digital download.

MMORPG Aika Online Releases Kynari Aviary Dungeon!

MMORPG Aika Online Releases Kynari Aviary Dungeon!

Sunnyvale, CA— Gala-Net is excited to announce the most robust dungeon instance in their hardcore 1000 vs 1000 PvP game, Aika Online.

Darkrane Forest, once a tropical paradise and home of half-bird half-man creatures known as the Kynari, is now the epicenter of a vicious civil war.

The Kynari’s tranquil homeland was shattered by a young usurper, the ruthless Kynari Darkrane, who manipulated his way to the top.  As the self-proclaimed High Castor of the Kynari, Darkrane and his followers have seized control of the forest and must be taken down.   It is up the players to help bring peace to the land of Lakia and make the deceitful Darkrane pay for the lives he has taken.

Parties of 6 can storm Darkrane’s floating stronghold, the Kynari Aviary, and will be able to choose from one of three difficulties, Normal, Hard, and Elite, to challenge their party for better gear and more experience.  

Aimed at more casual players, the Normal difficulty drops special materials integral for leveling crafting abilities.  For the more experienced parties, the Hard mode gives players access to rare materials only available at this difficulty.  The Elite mode is for only the most experienced players, and features the most powerful items and crafting recipes available in game.

To read more, click HERE!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Land of Chaos Online (LOCO) Review

Land of Chaos Online (LOCO) Review
by Cody Hargreaves
Question: Have you ever wondered what it would be like to play DotA (Defence of the Ancients), HoN (Heroes of Newerth) or LoL (League of Legends) in the third-person perspective; what it would be like to purchase a front row seat to the action, and control your character as though it were an avatar from an MMO; what it would be like to jump, and dodge, and sprint, and dive, and… dodge in real-time action packed in-your-face graphically up-to-date gameplay?!
Short Answer: Yes, you have.
And so, the heavens parted and LOCO was born — the first true third-person ‘Aeon of Strife’ Action MMORPG. And the world of gaming rejoiced. “No longer must we suffer the gruelling grind of the MMO,” they cried. “No longer must we wait decades for our PvP,” they shouted. “No longer must we,”… you get the point. LOCO was the answer to a lot of prayers, and soon, it might be the answer to yours. Why? Well, because it’s good. Here, I’ll show you.
In the case that some of you haven’t actually heard of DotA, HoN and LoL, let’s go over a few core gameplay elements first. The idea behind the Aeon of Strife style of play is simple, but in order to get a picture for it, I’m going to need some help from you. First, I need to you picture a Warcraft III map with two large bases at either end, and three long lanes connecting them. In each of the bases are various structures, some that heal you when you stand near them, others that sell items that can be combined together to create more powerful ones; the lanes are lined with defensive towers that attack when you approach. Now, imagine that the game has just begun. You’ve been asked to select a hero from a long list of possibilities, each with their own specific playstyles, pros and cons; you select your hero and appear in your base. Small groups of NPC allies are charging down the lanes to meet in glorious battle with your opponents NPC allies; and your job is to help them. You kill the NPC enemies, destroy the towers, and eventually, after levelling up, gaining new abilities, purchasing new items and killing enemy heroes, you destroy your opponent’s base and win the game. That is, unless the enemy heroes kill you first, thereby making them stronger, in which case they destroy your base and you lose. Wither way, that’s more-or-less how you play DotA, HoN and LoL. And it’s more-or-less how you play LOCO, too.
For more information, go HERE

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The curse of the Raksha Temple coming soon to MMO Runes of Magic

The curse of the Raksha Temple coming soon to MMO Runes of Magic

New update for popular free-to-play MMORPG will open up a new dungeon 

The next update for the online role-playing game Runes of Magic will bring players a new addition, called “The Raksha Temple”. This gives players a new dungeon, located in the recently introduced Northern Janost Forest, and offers, for the first time, the ability to choose between three levels of difficulty for their expeditions inside the temple.

Legend tells of the Angren people, half-beast and half-human, who were bestowed the Northern Janost Forest by King Kalume for their efforts in the war against the demons that were threatening Zandorya. However, upon settling in their new territory, the Angren were forced to fight against the deity of the forest, Raksha, who believed the Angren would destroy the forest for their settlement. The conflict ended in an agreement that the half-beast, half-men would not harm the forest, and they would assist the deity in protecting the forest against outsiders. In return, the protective god would accept them as part of the forest and place them under his protection while hiding in a sacred temple.
For more information, click HERE!

Lekool Opens New Server for popular browser MMO Caesary

Lekool Opens New Server for popular browser MMO Caesary

LeKool inc., a social and browser game publisher and developer, with the partnership of the developer Heroic Era Inc, will launch a brand new server of  CAESARY (Server 3 -- Caligula), a free-to-play City-Building and Perpetual Military Strategy game set in the age of Rome. As on  August 25th, 2010.  The game attracted more than 400K players to its 2 servers and thousands of fans on Facebook.

For more information, click HERE!

Monday, September 6, 2010

5 Reasons Why APB Failed On An Epic Scale

5 Reasons Why APB Failed On An Epic Scale
by Ron Keith

There are so many ways to define failure. Doesn't it sometimes seem that each new MMO tries to come up with its own innovative formula, some new and novel way to drive their game headlong into the abyss?

Star Wars Galaxies was a great game until Sony Online Entertainment got WoW envy, dumbed down the game, and lost their subscribers. Warhammer rushed their game to market, delivering a horrendously buggy and unbalanced MMO (The PvP was great, though.). Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO) had fabulous PvE instances, but not much else to keep you busy. Champions Online was fun until you got to the end and didn't have much to do. And Star Trek Online was rolled out only half-finished, ignoring the fact that Star Trek fans wanted to play Klingons.

In an alternate universe, all of these MMOs might have been great. Each of them had hordes of excited fans and MMO gamers anxious to play their game, and yet each managed to fail in its own way.

But none of them can compare to the blinding flash of failure known as All Points Bulletin (APB). Like a dying star going supernova, APB flashed out there in MMO space for a few brief moments and now it has collapsed in on itself, creating a black, swirling hole of fail unlike anything the MMO world has ever seen before or is likely to see, again.

A hearty congratulations must be sent out to RealTime Worlds for redefining MMO failure. All those other MMOs might have “failed” but they also managed to putter along and sometimes even reinvent themselves (e.g. DDO is now a successful free-to-play game.). APB stands about as much of a chance of surviving as bag of Doritos at BlizzCon.

Have you been on APB, recently? If you bought the game, you can still log into the social district any time you want. The social district is free. Only fighting in the action districts costs money. Go ahead. Log in. Then do this: In the chat window type /pop.

This is quite possibly the most misguided command ever given to players in an MMO. That command tells you how many players are in the game on your server. In the last few weeks, even during peak gaming hours on weekends, APB's population is in the hundreds, usually around 500. And APB only has two servers!

Let's see 2 servers. Pop is 500. Times 2 equals... Wow, that sucks.

Keep in mind that population total also includes the people in the social district where you can log in for free. If you go to the action districts, which cost money, the numbers are around 20 and often less than that. That not only sucks, that sucks on a cosmic scale.

What happened here? There are some good things about this game. It's a decent shooter and it had the best character designer in MMOs. Its Grand Theft Auto (GTA) roots should have brought in a loyal following and yet APB is imploding. How did this MMO crash and burn so fast?

1. It gets boring fast.
The first few hours of APB are usually spent designing your character. There are so many options and character looks the designer will capture your imagination and attention for hours; it's quite simply the sweetest, sickest character designer in all MMOs. Then, your next few hours are spent shooting other players. It's the Crims versus the Enforcers. Gangs versus vigilante law. Lots and lots of intense PvP action.

It's a blast... For a few days.

Then the missions get repetitive. You've done them before and you keep doing them. You probably stop doing the chase missions, because they're long and tedious. The settings for the action doesn't change much, either. There are two action districts and they turn out to be a lot smaller than you thought when you started playing. You've been there, before, and you'll be there, again.

Do you want to do something else besides PvP, something to keep you interested? There's nothing else. You're done. In just a few days, you find you've pretty much done all there is to do and there ain't no more.

Yawn. Bored now.

2. It's barely an MMO.
Do you want to do something else besides PvP, something to add a little variety to the game? There's nothing else. There's no PvE. No questing. No large explorable world.

APB bills itself as an MMO, but it barely qualifies. Sure there's an explorable world, but it's small and confined. No open world in this game. Sorry.

APB has this great storyline about a city descending into out-of-control violence as street gangs take over. It would have been fun to have a PvE storyline to follow, one that tells players the backstory, how things got to this point, but it's not there.

There's no economy to speak of. There's no crafting, so no gathering of materials. There is designing, though, where you can endlessly tweak the look of the gear you're wearing. Unfortunately, if you're not much of a designer, you find yourself making some pretty ugly looking stuff, and let's be honest, most people aren't designers. As a result, the auction house is pretty dead. Sure, you can put the stuff you design on the auction house, but no one wants to buy your ugly stuff. (And you thought it looked so awesome, right?)

Guilds are mostly an afterthought. You barely need a guild. APB's only activities are the PvP fights and designing outfits for your character. There aren't any tough PvE dungeons to run to get better gear, so you don't need a guild to get you through those. There aren't any guild perks, so there's no motivation for people to start guilds. About the only thing guilds are nice for is finding people to team up for the missions. Other than that, guilds are pointless.

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