Thursday, September 30, 2010

Final Fantasy XIV Preview: What You'll Like and What You Won't

posted by: Ron Keith Fri 24th Sep 2010

Final Fantasy XIV Preview:‭ ‬What You'll Like and What You Won't

by Ron Keith

Final Fantasy XIV officially releases this week.‭ ‬If you spent‭ ‬$75‭ ‬on the collector's edition you had a week's head start and you've probably already started forming your opinions of this newest MMO.‭ ‬But maybe you wanted to save a little cash cause you're the frugal type.‭ ‬Or maybe you just wanted to wait for the word on the street before you bought the game.‭ ‬You want to know what's what before you fork over your hard-earned dough.‭ ‬You're the prudent type.‭ ‬You want to know what you're going to like and what you're not.

Every MMO has something going for it.‭ ‬If you can't find something to like in an MMO,‭ ‬you're either not looking hard enough or the MMO really sucks.‭ ‬As with most MMOs,‭ ‬there are things you'll like about FFXIV and there are things you probably won't like.

What You'll Like‭ – ‬The Graphics
Just as Aion did about a year ago,‭ ‬Final Fantasy XIV raises the graphics bar.‭ ‬The designers focused on enhancing every player's visual experience.‭ ‬From strands of flowing hair on your character to detailed lacing on your belt pack and leather patterning on your pants‭; ‬from the deep skies interlaced with fluffy white clouds to the swaying,‭ ‬green grass and leaves drifting through the air.‭ ‬It all comes together to created a visually beautiful world.‭

What You Won't Like‭ – ‬It's Lagalicious
Every new MMO is a little laggy because all the new players playing the new game at once put a strain on the servers.‭ ‬In that case,‭ ‬the lag comes in fits and starts.‭ ‬But in FFXIV everything lags.‭ ‬Every single command.‭ ‬Simple stuff like bring up your inventory to complicated stuff like combat.‭ ‬It all lags and it lags all the time.‭

Oddly enough,‭ ‬it's a lag you might be able to live with.‭ ‬There's no rubberbanding‭ – ‬the lag where you'll run forward and sudden find yourself being pulled back‭; ‬and there's no warping‭ – ‬the lag where you lose contact with the server or it drops your data,‭ ‬and you find yourself miraculously‭ “‬teleported‭” ‬to the location you were running to.‭ ‬In FFXIV,‭ ‬your commands don't seem to get lost‭ – ‬it just takes a while for the system to catch up.‭

What You'll Like‭ – ‬It's A Vast World
FFXIV is a vast explorable game world with‭ ‬3‭ ‬very different starting regions:‭  ‬Ul'Dah,‭ ‬a desert region,‭ ‬Limasa-Lominsa,‭ ‬a sea port,‭ ‬and Gridania,‭ ‬a woodland.‭ ‬All large,‭ ‬explorable regions different towns and camps within each region,‭ ‬and each region has its own storyline quests.‭ ‬A lot of work was put into building the FFXIV world and it shows.

What You Won't Like‭ – ‬Invisible Walls
You have a quest to kill a mole.‭ ‬You see him just below you on a ledge.‭ ‬You'll just jump down and kill him,‭ ‬you think.‭ ‬You run forward and‭ – ‬Boom‭! ‬Smack into an invisible wall.‭ ‬You can't go any farther.‭ ‬You hit invisible walls so often in this MMO,‭ ‬you'll feel like Marcel Marceau.‭

There are so many places in the game where it seems you should be able to just go straight to get to where you need to go,‭ ‬but you're blocked by invisible walls.‭ ‬Usually,‭ ‬these are areas where it would seem safe to just jump down‭ – ‬from a dias to the floor‭; ‬from a ledge slightly higher than another ledge‭ – ‬but the walls block you.‭ ‬You have to take the long way around A LOT and that get's tedious.

What You'll Like‭ – ‬It's a Little Cheaper Than Most MMOs
The monthly fee for one character is‭ ‬$12.99.

What You Won't Like‭ – ‬The Bait and Switch
‭“‬For one character...‭” ‬Remember that.‭ ‬For one character the monthly fee will be‭ ‬$12.99.‭ ‬And you can have up to‭ ‬8‭ ‬characters.‭ ‬That's great,‭ ‬isn't it‭?

Not so much.‭ ‬Each additional character costs another‭ ‬$3.‭ ‬If you want to add‭ ‬7‭ ‬more characters,‭ ‬FFXIV will cost another‭ ‬$21,‭ ‬plus the base fee of‭ ‬$12.99‭ (‬Square Enix says the base fee is‭ ‬$9.99,‭ ‬but that doesn't include a game character.‭ ‬It's kind of hard to play without a character.‭)‬.‭ ‬If you use all‭ ‬8‭ ‬of your character slots it's going to cost you‭ ‬$33.99‭ ‬a month.‭ ‬That's not much of a bargain and it's more expensive than most MMOs.

What You'll Like‭ – ‬The Storyline Quests
The main quests are fantastic.‭ ‬FFXIV immerses you in the FFXIV lore by giving you storyline quests to follow.‭ ‬Do them‭! ‬They're a lot of fun and one of the best things about the game.‭ ‬There are wonderful cut scenes that make you feel like you're part of an adventure story.‭ ‬For the most part you're just observing what the other characters are doing,‭ ‬but they're still great fun and you'll still feel like you're part of the adventure.‭ 

What You Won't Like‭ – ‬The Repetition
The other quests need a lot of work.‭ ‬There's nothing new,‭ ‬here.‭ ‬It's the same-ole,‭ ‬same-ole you've seen since the dawn of MMOs.‭ ‬Go kill‭ ‬4‭ ‬rats.‭ ‬Go kill‭ ‬6‭ ‬bats.‭ ‬Go make‭ ‬4‭ ‬pairs of shoes‭ (‬Crafting quest.‭)‬.‭ 

What You'll Like‭ – ‬The Crafting
If you're a crafting freakazoid,‭ ‬FFXIV is the game for you.‭ ‬The game is more about crafting than it is about anything else.‭ ‬Really.‭ ‬All that going out and killing stuff is secondary to the crafting.‭

Almost all the world drops are crafting materials.‭ ‬You need to start crafting for new armor,‭ ‬but you also need to start crafting to level.‭ ‬Crafting gives you experience and doing a few different crafts helps you level faster.‭

The crafting is also fun and slightly addictive.‭ ‬The crafting process is dependent on mats,‭ ‬some of which are only available through other crafts.‭ ‬So you find yourself running around doing other crafts to create stuff you need to make the item you're trying to craft.‭ ‬It sounds tedious,‭ ‬but it's actually enjoyable‭ – ‬at least,‭ ‬initially.‭ ‬Maybe it will get more tiresome over time.

What You Won't Like‭ – ‬No Auction House and No Recipe Book
FFXIV allows players to create their own private stores.‭ ‬That's always a nice option.‭ ‬What's not nice is there's no auction house‭! ‬The game is highly dependent on mats from other crafts,‭ ‬but there's no central auction house for finding those mats.‭ ‬Get ready to spend a lot of time browsing through other players‭' ‬private stores.

And there's no recipe book for your crafting recipes.‭ ‬As you complete crafting quests,‭ ‬you'll be given recipes for new items you can craft.‭ ‬That's great,‭ ‬right‭? ‬You're all set to craft those new gloves.‭ ‬Was it one piece of leather or two‭? ‬You forget.‭ ‬You'll just look it up,‭ ‬right‭? ‬Wrong.‭ ‬There's no in-game recipe book‭! ‬And that's symptomatic of one of the biggest annoyance of the game:‭  ‬Someone at Square Enix forgot this is the computer age.‭ ‬You'll spend half your time tabbed out,‭ ‬scrolling through wikis,‭ ‬trying to find recipes or what this trait does or where this NPC is‭; ‬all things that should be handled by the game.‭

There are lots of things to like about FFXIV.‭ ‬The crafting is fun and well thought out.‭ ‬It might be the most detailed and interesting in all MMOs.‭ ‬The storyline quests are a lot of fun and it's great to see an adventure integrated into the game.‭

Unfortunately,‭ ‬there are more than a few things to dislike,‭ ‬too.‭ ‬Most of these things are annoyances and time sinks.‭ ‬There's lag and invisible terrain walls,‭ ‬the game costs more than Square Enix leads you to believe,‭ ‬and you have to use out-of-game wikis to look up crafting recipes or locate many NPCs.

Your first impression of FFXIV will probably be that it's just an updated version of FFXI,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬unfortunately,‭ ‬not that updated.‭ ‬The game is still very old-school:‭ ‬lots of tasks take much more time than they should and many quests are repetitious.‭ ‬There are some fun things,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬and if you're a crafting fan or a Final Fantasy fan,‭ ‬you'll probably enjoy this game.‭ ‬If you're looking for serious action,‭ ‬you probably won't.

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