Thursday, September 9, 2010

Land of Chaos Online (LOCO) Review

Land of Chaos Online (LOCO) Review
by Cody Hargreaves
Question: Have you ever wondered what it would be like to play DotA (Defence of the Ancients), HoN (Heroes of Newerth) or LoL (League of Legends) in the third-person perspective; what it would be like to purchase a front row seat to the action, and control your character as though it were an avatar from an MMO; what it would be like to jump, and dodge, and sprint, and dive, and… dodge in real-time action packed in-your-face graphically up-to-date gameplay?!
Short Answer: Yes, you have.
And so, the heavens parted and LOCO was born — the first true third-person ‘Aeon of Strife’ Action MMORPG. And the world of gaming rejoiced. “No longer must we suffer the gruelling grind of the MMO,” they cried. “No longer must we wait decades for our PvP,” they shouted. “No longer must we,”… you get the point. LOCO was the answer to a lot of prayers, and soon, it might be the answer to yours. Why? Well, because it’s good. Here, I’ll show you.
In the case that some of you haven’t actually heard of DotA, HoN and LoL, let’s go over a few core gameplay elements first. The idea behind the Aeon of Strife style of play is simple, but in order to get a picture for it, I’m going to need some help from you. First, I need to you picture a Warcraft III map with two large bases at either end, and three long lanes connecting them. In each of the bases are various structures, some that heal you when you stand near them, others that sell items that can be combined together to create more powerful ones; the lanes are lined with defensive towers that attack when you approach. Now, imagine that the game has just begun. You’ve been asked to select a hero from a long list of possibilities, each with their own specific playstyles, pros and cons; you select your hero and appear in your base. Small groups of NPC allies are charging down the lanes to meet in glorious battle with your opponents NPC allies; and your job is to help them. You kill the NPC enemies, destroy the towers, and eventually, after levelling up, gaining new abilities, purchasing new items and killing enemy heroes, you destroy your opponent’s base and win the game. That is, unless the enemy heroes kill you first, thereby making them stronger, in which case they destroy your base and you lose. Wither way, that’s more-or-less how you play DotA, HoN and LoL. And it’s more-or-less how you play LOCO, too.
For more information, go HERE

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