Saturday, September 18, 2010



by Ron Keith

'Tis a sad day,‭ ‬fellow gamers.‭ ‬It is a sad day whenever any MMO passes.‭ ‬We are gathered here,‭ ‬today,‭ ‬to pay our final respects to the short-lived,‭ ‬somewhat promising,‭ ‬but ultimately disappointing MMO,‭ ‬All Points Bulletin,‭ ‬aka APB.‭

Birthed into our world of MMOs on June‭ ‬29,‭ ‬barely three months ago,‭ ‬APB has announced it's rolling up the sidewalks of San Paro.‭ ‬On September‭ ‬16,‭ ‬the somewhat smallish APB community was greeted with this announcement:‭ “‬Today we are sad to announce that despite everyone's best efforts to keep the service running‭; ‬APB is coming to a close.‭” (‬This announcement was posted under the probably unintentionally ironic heading,‭ “‬End of an Era‭”‬.‭ ‬Three months.‭ ‬That's not even an era in the life of a fruit fly‭!)

It's an awful harsh world.‭ ‬It must be to snatch one so full of promise from us so soon.‭ ‬The blood and tears of Grand-Theft Auto‭ (‬GTA‭) ‬flagellants stains our halls.‭ ‬The wails of grieving shooter fans echo throughout our halls.‭ ‬Well,‭ ‬three or four of them,‭ ‬anyway.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬we hear the cries of the few,‭ ‬the very few,‭ ‬who bemoan the passing of APB.‭

But let us be frank,‭ ‬though it might mean speaking ill of the dead,‭ ‬APB offered little more than promise.‭ ‬You might have dreamed APB would be the first truly great shooter MMO,‭ ‬the one that would finally lift shooters from the multiplayer environs of Counter-Strike and Call of Duty to the persistent,‭ ‬explorable world of an MMO.‭ (‬Why should RPG gamers have all the fun‭?) ‬You might have dreamed the fast-paced,‭ ‬GTA-style setting would set MMOs on their ear.

APB gave you plenty of reasons to dream:‭ ‬Dave Jones,‭ ‬the creator of GTA,‭ ‬was onboard‭; ‬RealTime Worlds spent‭ ‬5‭ ‬years‭ – ‬5‭ ‬years‭! – ‬developing the game‭; ‬and the word was they spent‭ ‬$100‭ ‬million on the effort.‭ ‬Dave Jones,‭ ‬years of development,‭ ‬and tons of cash...‭ ‬Why wouldn't you expect a killer game‭?

To read more, go HERE!

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