Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lekool Opens New Caesary Server for the popular MMO

Lekool Opens New Caesary Server for the popular MMO

LeKool inc., a social and browser game publisher and developer, with the partnership of the developer Heroic Era Inc, will launch a brand new server of  CAESARY (Server 3 -- Caligula), a free-to-play City-Building and Perpetual Military Strategy game set in the age of Rome. As on  August 25th, 2010.  The game attracted more than 800K players to its 2 servers and thousands of fans on facebook. 

Players begin the game as a Consul to the Roman Empire with a city under their command to develop. As a true leader they must then advance their nation both in economy and strength, conquer untamed lands, pillage dangerous wilderness, wage devastating wars and form powerful leagues to unite the empire under the roman banner.

Lekool is a growing community of passionate developers, operators and gamers. Players are drawn to lekool because it's fun. You can make a lot of friends here, including GMs. Some might even become your lifelong friends and partners.  Besides Not to mention all the fun events like 
lekool Double Experience and Double Drop Event
lekool iPad & iPhone giveaway
You-Tube Event! 
Special S3 Events
The key features of the game are:
1.        Battle Replay: You can simulate the grandeur of past combat in graphical animation and the detailed statistics of the fight in text log. It’s like watching a movie for every battle! This is the 1st game who ever has such a feature.

2.        Dogfight. Traditional strategic battles involve just you and your opponents. Now, Caesary allows you to join other players’ battle in the middle or have someone else’s join your own battle. Any time! (In theory, the entire server’s players can jump in one battle in progress!)

3.        Six types of Hero with 255 levels. Heroes with 6 types of Potential appear randomly for you to recruit and capture. Your heroes will serve you well if you treat them right. Broaden their Experience (EXP) and develop their Traits on your path to victory!

4.         iPod-Touch-like Smooth Interface. Browse World map with mouse drag as if you’re scrolling your iPod screen.  Transfer and exchange troops by drag-and-drop! No more boring scroll down menu!

For more information, click HERE!

MMO Powerhouse Shanda to buy US publisher Outspark?

Shanda to buy US MMO powerhouse Outspark?

I've spoken to Susan on the phone in the last few months, but I didn't hear this coming. 

Venturebeat is reporting that MMO Publisher Outspark is in talks to be acquired, but no one is confirming the name of the potential suitor.

Venturebeat is saying it has heard separately that Shanda is the buyer, but again, no proof has really surfaced.

Outspark is responsible for popular games that MMOGames represents on this portal, such as FiestaFists of Fu, and Divine Souls. 

Sunday, August 29, 2010

MMORPG Lunia Features a New Look

MMORPG Lunia Features a New Look

ijji.com's Popular Action Adventure Massively Multiplayer Role-Playing Game Presents New Art Style, Map and Community System Features in Latest Update

Lunia just received a major visual face lift. The exciting action arcade MMORPG enhanced its already-stunning art style with a new graphics augmentation in the game's most recent update. On top of its new look, Lunia offers gamers a new map and a new community system, making it easier than ever to connect with friends in the game. The graphics boost offers Lunia players a totally revamped look for the game that shifts from the traditional top-down look to a cel-shaded, over-the-shoulder third-person perspective. Fans of Lunia's classic look can turn this option off and play the game with the traditional art style if they prefer. 
For other updates, click HERE~

Ministry of War Review

Ministry of War Review
by Ron Keith
This seems to be the year of strategy games. It's like some little, Dutch boy took his finger out of a crack somewhere and all these strategy games started spilling out. This year has seen two Might and Magic, turn-based strategy MMOs – Heroes of Might and Magic Online and Might and Magic: Heroes Kingdoms, plus a bucket full of single-player strategy games*, all of which are little more than gaming remora swimming beside the whale shark known as StarCraft II.

Wading into this flood comes Ministry of War (MoW) a browser-based, real-time strategy (RTS) game from Snail Games. Snail Games's only other US offering is Heroes of Gaia, also a browser game.
If you've tried browser games, before, particularly ones that pretended to be MMOs you might have warning alarms going off in your head. Perhaps you don't think browser games are good for much more than Flash games. Sure, those Flash games can be intense and fun, but you'll take your full-featured MMO any day.

Well, times have changed, grandpa. Browser games are growing up and Ministry of War (MoW) is proof.

About the game
Snail Games is a US subsidiary of the Chinese company Suzhou Snail Electronics Company (I kid you not. That's the name of the company.). While Snail Games is based in the US, their games are developed in China. Their Chinese roots sometimes show through in MoW – more on that, later.

The game plays entirely in your browser, whether it's Firefox or Internet Explorer. It's a resource strategy game: Recruit some heroes, build housing and barracks, draft some troops, and set off to conquer the world. Best of all, it is free-to-play (F2P) – it doesn't cost a thing to sign up and take it for a drive.

Choosing a side
You choose from 4 different civilizations: Rome, Egypt, Persia, or China. Each civilization has different characteristics, though, most of the differences are primarily cosmetic. It's not like StarCraft where each faction has very distinct abilities or Heroes of Might and Magic where one faction is better at magic and the other has better troops. Each civilization does have slightly different troops, but overall the civilizations are all pretty much the same.

 For more information, click HERE!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Business Tycoon Online releases new achievement feature Wishing Tree

Business Tycoon Online releases new achievement feature Wishing Tree

DOVOGAME has announced the release of an exciting new feature for their game Business Tycoon Online. The achievement feature called “The Wishing Tree” is a tiered system that players can use to track their in game achievements as well as receive rewards for completely finishing different levels of achievements. DOVOGAME had this to say about the event in their official announcement.
“There is no better way to judge your business performance and career development than with milestones. Setting clear obtainable goals that progressively get bigger and bigger, reaching these goals and then seeing all that you have achieved is one of the biggest motivators of successful CEOs. Now, Business Tycoon Online has its very own in game goal and achievement ‘tree’. Due to not so recent events and the ‘wish’ that every tycoon has to reach their top goals, these achievements will be called The Wishing Tree.”
For more information, click here~!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

GodsWar Online: Learn a Craft with the New Profession System

GodsWar Online: Learn a Craft with the New Profession System

Even in times of war, there’s more to life in GodsWar Online than combat. Players who want to learn a craft can choose from four professions: Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Mythcrafting and Scholarship. Though characters may only learn one of these at a time, players can later decide to start fresh by unlearning their current profession. Whether you want to make potions, gear for mounts, clothing, or other useful items, the profession system has something for everyone.

Getting Started
Learning a profession requires the corresponding Profession Skillbook, allowing a character to unlock the secrets of that profession with the help of the Profession Mentor at (100,-180) in the main city. Players can acquire a Profession Skillbook by completing the required Level 40 main quest. After learning a profession skill, you can put it to use by bringing up the Manufacture UI (hotkey: V). Creating a recipe is usually the first thing you’ll do after mastering a profession skill.

Pick Your Profession
•    Alchemy: alchemists can create a variety of items, including HP/MP potions, Sigil Stones or Exp/TP-boosting potions to aid them in battle.
•    Blacksmithing: blacksmiths can create mount gear and upgrade mounts.
•    Mythcrafting: this allows players to craft a variety of outfits and other items, such as Holy Spirits, fireworks, holy ware, and more.
•    Scholarship: though this is mainly a complementary profession whose skills support other professions, a scholar can also create quest scrolls and portal spells.

Unlearning a Profession
If you decide the profession you chose is not working out as well as you had hoped, you can unlearn it. However, doing so will wipe out any progress you’ve made in terms of profession level and recipes, so consider your choices carefully. To unlearn a profession, consult with the Profession Mentor at (100,-180) in the main city. If you want to start a new profession, you’ll need a new Profession Skillbook.

For more information, click HERE!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rumor Has It... 5 Games That Would Make Awesome MMOs

by Ron Keith

There's a completely unsubstantiated rumor afoot that there's a BioShock MMO in the works. The original source seems to be Destructoid.com. Here's what they have to say, “We've heard from a mysterious source (possibly a roaming Ekans) that 2K Games... is hard at work in a secret location and tinkering with a massively multiplayer online game set in the BioShock universe.” And that's about it.  There's not a lot of there there, but just the thought of a BioShock MMO has the intertubes abuzz. G4TV, Kotaku, and a slew of other gaming sites have all picked up on the Destructoid article, which, if you read the Destructoid post, could easily be attributed to little more than wishful thinking.

But don't you love wishful thinking? Wouldn't you love to see a BioShock MMO? That would be awesome sick, wouldn't it? 

Big Daddys are tailor-made to be world bosses. Is there anything like BioShock's skill system in MMOs? That would be wild. Imagine if you could re-spec. And wouldn't it be a blast to choose your own path, whether to go good or evil? And the undersea, retro world would be such a novel setting for an MMO.

Yeah, we sure wish there was a BioShock MMO. That would be so sweet. Ah, to dream...

While we're making wishes, here are 5 other games we'd like to see made into MMOs. Completely unconfirmed and unsubstantiated rumors – sort of like the one about the BioShock MMO – say they're all in the works. (We wish.) 

1. Resident Evil
Will the next chapter of Resident Evil be an MMO? According to several totally unconfirmed sources, Capcom and Sony Online Entertainment have teamed up to make a Resident Evil MMO. Utter hearsay says the title of the new MMO is Resident Evil: Zombie's Gone Wild.

Resident Evil has all the elements you love in your MMOs: Heroes – Jill Valentine, Claire, Chris Redfield; Villians – the Umbrella Corporation; and big, bad monsters – zombies. And who doesn't like killing zombies? Or maybe playing zombies...? Brains. Brains. 

2. Half-Life
Where, oh where is Half-Life 3? You've been waiting a long time for the next Half-Life installment, haven't you? No doubt, you're beginning to suspect it's just so much vaporware ala Duke Nukem. (/sarcasm At least Valve keeps publishing Left 4 Dead and updates to Team Fortress 2. )

Well, you can put all your misgivings into a nice little box and store them away. Several hypothetical sources, Fifi the talking dog, and a loquacious parrot all confirm that the next installment of Half-Life will be Half-Life Online, the MMO. 

Wouldn't the gravity gun be cool MMO weapon? Just hope you'll be able to use it on the chat trolls.

For more information, click HERE!

Starcraft II Stratagems: Part Three

Starcraft II Stratagems: Part Three 

By Cody Hargreaves

Starcraftaholics Anonymous Doctrine #337: Though shalt not shout ‘kekekekekeke’ loudly whilst attacking Terran SCVs with Zerglings.  

Three weeks. That’s how long it’s been since I last saw the Sun; since I last tasted restaurant food at that place on Main St; since I last saw a movie or played a game that wasn’t carefully nurtured against the loving bosom of Blizzard Entertainment. It’s been the best three weeks of my life. And the journey has only just begun.

Hello, my name is Cody Hargreaves, and I’m a Starcraftaholic. No, I don’t have a problem with that.

If you read the above passage and ended it thinking ‘LOL that dude needs a life’, then you need not continue reading further. This page isn’t for you. If, however, you read that passage and found yourself wondering whether or not you should also be admitted to SA (Starcraftaholics Anonymous), then welcome aboard; we have much to discuss.

You see, this page, the two preceding it, and the many that are sure to follow have been designed with a very specific goal in mind; a goal that has already begun to enjoy the sweet taste of progression: improving our understanding and ability to play Starcraft 2. In the two weeks prior, we covered an introduction to Starcraft 2 and Battle.net 2.0; we took a brief look at the common terminology found within the Starcraft community, and we learned two basic opening builds for the Zerg and Protoss. This week, we’re going to learn a third, this time for Terran. But first, a little evolution.

Like all life on Earth (probably), Starcraft 2, from my understanding of it at least, is a process of evolution. When you begin playing league game for the very first time, you’re pitched against an assortment of other players just like you: i.e. they don’t have a clue what the hell is going on. Blizzard have dubbed this the Practice League. When you leave the Practice League, and begin your placement matches, you’re pitted against an assortment of players from every bracket, and you learn… well, how to lose. Really quickly. Then, you place (most likely in Bronze), and the evolution begins.


For more information, click HERE!

3D MMORPG Holybeast Online has updates and user-made pet

3D MMORPG Holybeast Online has updates and user-made pet

Cyberstep and X-Legends updates new quest and user-made pet today for the 3D MMORPG Holybeast Online

Fun and unique system Beast Reels is updated, and Pet designed by the user is now available! 

Romantic summer quest “Summer Days #2”, only available during this summer period!


Again, player’s dream has come true. The 2nd place winning design from the Pet Design Contest, “Lily”, has been finally summoned to the world of cute animals Beastia, after a great effort of the development team of HolyBeast ONLINE. Based on the pretty drawings made by loyal HolyBeast player, details have been added by the professional designers. Now this pet can be owned by every user in Beastia, and everyone is pretty sure that this would be again one of the cutest and most attracting pet among others. Additionally, this would surely state the fact that the HolyBeast ONLINE is one of the games that developers and players can unite to make a wonderful world together. Every beasts would be highly recommended to check this new pet in stores now, and imagine how wonderful and easy it would be to make a dream of oneself come true in HolyBeast ONLINE.

For more information, click HERE!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Conquering Bad MMO Habits Part 1

Conquering Bad MMO Habits Part 1
By Daniel Ball

Any MMO, even any game for that matter, can be what I like to affectionately call, a ‘timesink’. It’s a self-explanatory term, and it means exactly what you think it does. It depends on how you’re looking at it and how you feel about ‘sinking’ time into a game, but the fact remains: games, especially MMOs, require a lot of time. 

In this article, I’m going to help my fellow procrastinators at least try and get more out their MMO. I’ve always been the guy hovering at level 40 (to my friend’s and guild mate’s disgust), alt+tabbing through my windows, IMing people and generally not putting my all into most games that require it. So, ‘live and learn’, I say. And, although I may not be able to stop my own bad habits, I can recognise them and hopefully help you lovely people recognise them to.

Stealthed Procrastination

Right now, I have about a million windows open on my computer. ‘Multi-tasking! I like it.’ You’re thinking. Well, yes, I am, but I’m doing so with a sense of guilty pleasure. I love to multi-task, I never get bored and most importantly it feels like I’m getting so much done. When I get to the end of my day; however, and you ask me what I got accomplished, I’d have quite a pathetic answer. 
Why is this so? Somehow all the multi-tasking made me feel like I was extremely busy and productive. The truth is, I was busy, but there’s a clear distinction (despite what people think) between being busy and being productive.

This kind of logic can be applied to any MMO quite easily too, and understanding this may help you break through that procrastination barrier that’s keeping you from progressing.

Fore more information, click Here!

Copyright (c) 2010 - MMOGames.com

TEN Online Official Launching Event @ KLCC

VIP Sessions·Intriguing Shows·Vibrant Cosplay Scenes

A New Milestone in Online Game Industry!
What a fascinating and impressive news for the online game industry! The official launching event ofTEN Online has succeeded and received unprecedented responses from online game fans and visitors! The launching event has been held on 8th August 2010 at PIKOM PC FAIR (KLCC) with the attendance of celebrities such as Tony Wong the popular comic creator of TEN Online, and the glamorous singer Lena Yang.

TEN Online, a Perfect 3D Replication of Tony Wong’s Comic  
During the launching event, the PC Fair is crowded with the overwhelming fans of TEN Online and Tony Wong’s comics. Being promoted as the “Perfect 3D Replication of Comic Masterpiece” and “The 1st MMORPG that supports Advanced 3D Technology”, TEN Online is becoming one of the most anticipated 3D MMORPG in 2010.

VIP Appearances
Besides the surprising appearance of Tony Wong, the VIP also included ChineseGo (Publisher of TEN Online) CEO – Mr. Alan Ku, ChineseGamer (Developer of TEN Online) CEO, GameOne CEO, the Rock Records singer – Ms Lena Yang, and other managerial staffs of the online game companies. Moreover, ChineseGo is proud to invite Mei Yan the famous MyFM DJ to become the Emcee of the launching event!

Opening Ceremony:The Emcee invited all VIPs to step on the stage and launch the Opening Ceremony together, featured with the metaphor of swords!

Intriguing Stage Performances:

l Classic Sichuan Stunts: Face-Changing Performance (BianLian)
Audiences have impressed by the brightly-colored costumes and the unbelievably stunning tricks of the Face-Changing performers. The changes of the “faces” reflect the wide varieties of game elements that you can found in TEN Online!

Fantastic Drama: The Cosplay Opera ofTEN Online
The opera actors and actresses successfully impressed the audiences by wearing full costumes of TEN Online famous characters and playing fascinating roles in very entertaining way!

l  Theme Song of TEN Online: Performed by Rock Records Singer –Lena Yang!
Here comes the glamorous, talented, and sexy ambassador of TEN Online – Lena Yang! Her live singing of TEN Online theme song let all of the audiences immersed into the great atmosphere of Ancient China..  

For more information, click HERE!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hottest Babes from Gamescom 2010!

Hottest Babes from Gamescom 2010!

Gamescom is one of the largest Exhibitions in Gaming Industry. According to gamescom, 254,000 visitors, more than 18,000 were trade visitors from different countries and 505 Exhibitors! More than 4,000 media were there to report about the convention.

On the other hand, lets take a look at one of the eye-catching for gamescom visitors!

The Gamescom babes!


For more Gamescom Photos, click here!

The Five Stages of MMO Grief

The Five Stages of MMO Grief

posted by: Serpentius Sun 22nd Aug 2010

 The Five Stages of MMO Grief

By Daniel Ball

Anyone who has yanked the metaphorical World of Warcraft needle out of their veins after so long has, whether they know it or not, gone through the 5 stages of MMO grief. It’s a hard process, that’s for sure. It’s never easy to give up something so beloved. But it’s for your own good! It may not be World of Warcraft; it may be Aion, or even Runescape. Whatever the case, the process is the same, and it goes like this:

Stage 1 – Denial 
‘Don’t die on me damn it!’

The first stage. You log in, you’ve got top-tier gear, each and every raid bores you to tears, you win all your PvP matches, and, to put it simply, there’s nothing left to do. But there has to be! There’s always something to do! Don’t die on me, game. Live, damn it! Live!
No matter how much you deny it, the game is truly dead. There’s nothing more for you to gain, and you’re really not having fun anymore, but still, in your desperate hysteria, you keep playing.
Maybe I can reroll! You think. But the character screen is simply a museum of top level, fully decked out characters of every race and class imaginable. You’ve truly done it all, but you can’t let it die. The game has a hold over you and won’t let your mind rest. It’s still good damn it!

Stage 2 – Anger
‘Who made this piece of crap?’

Finally, after fighting yourself, you give up. What a stupid game. What were the developers thinking? It’s their own stupid fault for making endgame so boring. The level cap is way too low.
You blame the developers for making such a horrendous game. You spent all your precious time devoted to this? But, it’s not your fault. No, it’s the game’s fault. It’s so poorly designed right? There’s nothing to do, and it infuriates that they haven’t balanced the classes right. What an unplayable piece of crap. It makes you so mad that you paid these developers so much money and they’ve ruined and made stagnant your once beautiful, fun game. How dare they? Doesn’t it just make you want to punch an Orc!

To read more, click here!

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