Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Starcraft II Stratagems: Part Three

Starcraft II Stratagems: Part Three 

By Cody Hargreaves

Starcraftaholics Anonymous Doctrine #337: Though shalt not shout ‘kekekekekeke’ loudly whilst attacking Terran SCVs with Zerglings.  

Three weeks. That’s how long it’s been since I last saw the Sun; since I last tasted restaurant food at that place on Main St; since I last saw a movie or played a game that wasn’t carefully nurtured against the loving bosom of Blizzard Entertainment. It’s been the best three weeks of my life. And the journey has only just begun.

Hello, my name is Cody Hargreaves, and I’m a Starcraftaholic. No, I don’t have a problem with that.

If you read the above passage and ended it thinking ‘LOL that dude needs a life’, then you need not continue reading further. This page isn’t for you. If, however, you read that passage and found yourself wondering whether or not you should also be admitted to SA (Starcraftaholics Anonymous), then welcome aboard; we have much to discuss.

You see, this page, the two preceding it, and the many that are sure to follow have been designed with a very specific goal in mind; a goal that has already begun to enjoy the sweet taste of progression: improving our understanding and ability to play Starcraft 2. In the two weeks prior, we covered an introduction to Starcraft 2 and 2.0; we took a brief look at the common terminology found within the Starcraft community, and we learned two basic opening builds for the Zerg and Protoss. This week, we’re going to learn a third, this time for Terran. But first, a little evolution.

Like all life on Earth (probably), Starcraft 2, from my understanding of it at least, is a process of evolution. When you begin playing league game for the very first time, you’re pitched against an assortment of other players just like you: i.e. they don’t have a clue what the hell is going on. Blizzard have dubbed this the Practice League. When you leave the Practice League, and begin your placement matches, you’re pitted against an assortment of players from every bracket, and you learn… well, how to lose. Really quickly. Then, you place (most likely in Bronze), and the evolution begins.


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