Monday, August 23, 2010

The Five Stages of MMO Grief

The Five Stages of MMO Grief

posted by: Serpentius Sun 22nd Aug 2010

 The Five Stages of MMO Grief

By Daniel Ball

Anyone who has yanked the metaphorical World of Warcraft needle out of their veins after so long has, whether they know it or not, gone through the 5 stages of MMO grief. It’s a hard process, that’s for sure. It’s never easy to give up something so beloved. But it’s for your own good! It may not be World of Warcraft; it may be Aion, or even Runescape. Whatever the case, the process is the same, and it goes like this:

Stage 1 – Denial 
‘Don’t die on me damn it!’

The first stage. You log in, you’ve got top-tier gear, each and every raid bores you to tears, you win all your PvP matches, and, to put it simply, there’s nothing left to do. But there has to be! There’s always something to do! Don’t die on me, game. Live, damn it! Live!
No matter how much you deny it, the game is truly dead. There’s nothing more for you to gain, and you’re really not having fun anymore, but still, in your desperate hysteria, you keep playing.
Maybe I can reroll! You think. But the character screen is simply a museum of top level, fully decked out characters of every race and class imaginable. You’ve truly done it all, but you can’t let it die. The game has a hold over you and won’t let your mind rest. It’s still good damn it!

Stage 2 – Anger
‘Who made this piece of crap?’

Finally, after fighting yourself, you give up. What a stupid game. What were the developers thinking? It’s their own stupid fault for making endgame so boring. The level cap is way too low.
You blame the developers for making such a horrendous game. You spent all your precious time devoted to this? But, it’s not your fault. No, it’s the game’s fault. It’s so poorly designed right? There’s nothing to do, and it infuriates that they haven’t balanced the classes right. What an unplayable piece of crap. It makes you so mad that you paid these developers so much money and they’ve ruined and made stagnant your once beautiful, fun game. How dare they? Doesn’t it just make you want to punch an Orc!

To read more, click here!

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