Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Conquering Bad MMO Habits Part 1

Conquering Bad MMO Habits Part 1
By Daniel Ball

Any MMO, even any game for that matter, can be what I like to affectionately call, a ‘timesink’. It’s a self-explanatory term, and it means exactly what you think it does. It depends on how you’re looking at it and how you feel about ‘sinking’ time into a game, but the fact remains: games, especially MMOs, require a lot of time. 

In this article, I’m going to help my fellow procrastinators at least try and get more out their MMO. I’ve always been the guy hovering at level 40 (to my friend’s and guild mate’s disgust), alt+tabbing through my windows, IMing people and generally not putting my all into most games that require it. So, ‘live and learn’, I say. And, although I may not be able to stop my own bad habits, I can recognise them and hopefully help you lovely people recognise them to.

Stealthed Procrastination

Right now, I have about a million windows open on my computer. ‘Multi-tasking! I like it.’ You’re thinking. Well, yes, I am, but I’m doing so with a sense of guilty pleasure. I love to multi-task, I never get bored and most importantly it feels like I’m getting so much done. When I get to the end of my day; however, and you ask me what I got accomplished, I’d have quite a pathetic answer. 
Why is this so? Somehow all the multi-tasking made me feel like I was extremely busy and productive. The truth is, I was busy, but there’s a clear distinction (despite what people think) between being busy and being productive.

This kind of logic can be applied to any MMO quite easily too, and understanding this may help you break through that procrastination barrier that’s keeping you from progressing.

Fore more information, click Here!

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