Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New update for MMO Runes of Magic challenges players to defeat a legend

New update for MMO Runes of Magic challenges players to defeat a legend

Frogster will soon release the next content update for the popular online role-playing game Runes of Magic, opening up a new area for gamers to explore. In the remote confines of the Southern Janost Forest, new enemies await. Among the many additions that players might encounter is the new world boss, Amboriar; lying unanimated for thousands of years, Amboriar has awoken.  It will be up to the players to keep the powerful Amboriar from falling under the control of dark forces and wreaking havoc on Zandorya.

Amboriar was once one of the mighty Guardians, huge mechanical warriors forged to combat hoards of murderous demons in the ancient wars. After proving their valor in many battles, the Guardians were sent on a mission to free Zandorya. However, the warriors were attacked on route to the remote continent. Amboriar, its power source damaged, crashed down the side of a mountain where its power core finally overloaded. The giant machine remained there, buried under a pile of rubble that used to be the home of a mighty dwarf civilization.

A few years ago, in the bowels of the very same mountain, the remains of the Guardian were discovered by the bloodthirsty Baron Reuen von Jura. The specimen was so well preserved that it presented an incredible opportunity for the scientists of the Hand of Truth, the rebel faction aiming to overthrow the throne of Zandorya. It would be easy to repair the power core of this robot and reprogram it into an all-mighty ally.

It is up to the players to prevent this nightmare from coming to pass.  No one would stand a chance in combat with the mechanical titan if the Hand of Truth army manages to completely restore its power source. Deep inside the Ruins of the Magnork Kingdom, a crucial battle for the future of Zandorya will take place; a battle so fierce that it will require the joint efforts of as many fighters as the king Callaway can muster.

To play this awesome MMORPG for FREE right now click on Runes of Magic!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Florensia Review

Florensia Review

by Ron Keith

Do you like the feel of salt water splashing on your face? The sound of the wind filling your sails? The roar of cannon fire and the grip of a cutlass in your hand? Adventure on the high seas calls, and its name is Florensia.

Florensia is a MMO that attempts to combine land action with naval battles. Does it succeed? If you're looking for some pirate action is this game a good choice? 

Florensia is an free-to-play (F2P) MMO that offers both land and sea combat. The game has an anime look-and-feel, and from its bouncing mushrooms to its extra cute characters, Florensia is decidedly oriented to teens and pre-teens. Unlike a game like Hello Kitty: Online, though, it's solid MMO gameplay makes it appealing to adults, too.

The game is your standard MMO with everything you'd expect from an MMO, but with added bonus of sea battles, and that's a bonus you're likely to enjoy.

Starting out
Florensia allows you to choose one of four starting class: a Noble, an Explorer, a Saint, and a Mercenary. The Mercenary is a warrior-tank class, the Saint a healer, and the Noble is mage. The Explorer, with its guns, is a ranged class, but can also wield a sword for melee.

Character customization is limited. There are just a few different faces, hairstyles, hair colors, and not much else. As a newer MMO, this is disappointing; more character customization would be nice and is expected, these days.

Questing and leveling
Questing is your standard MMO fair. Go kill 6 of this. Go gather 20 of these. Go see this person, then go see that person. Florensia might not have the most inventive quests, but what it lacks in originality it makes up for in variety and quantity. If you get bored with the land quests, you can do some sea quests. If you get bored with those, there are quests for other activities such as fishing.

Side scrolling MMO Dreamland Online first characters revealed

Side scrolling MMO Dreamland Online first characters revealed

IGG News sent over a small blurb today about the first 3 character arts revealed for their upcoming side-scrolling Final Fantasy-like MMO, Dreamland Online.

"Dreamland Online will be released in less than a month's time. The game is like Final Fantasy themes and universe set within a side-scrolling adventure like Super Mario. I attached the first set of concept arts (1024* 760 ) which demonstrate the three different classes in the game."

The Assassin:

The Bandit:

The Gladiator:

Friday, October 8, 2010

Exclusive Space-Action MMO Pirate Galaxy Review

by Cody Hargreaves

If there’s one thing our beloved MMORPG genre is lacking, and by lacking, I mean almost non-existent, it’s good ol’ fashioned space pirating. In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find an MMO nowadays that had ‘space’ in it at all. There are plenty with pirates, and elves, and orcs, and demons, and fairies, and angels, and goblins… but you can almost count the MMOs featuring a jump to warp speed on your hand. And I’d wager less than ten per cent of those have space pirates. All I really want to know is why.

I’ve speculated on this topic in the past, and for the most part I came up empty. Then I played Pirate Galaxy, after playing Mass Effect 2 and watching Starship Troopers, and suddenly it all became clear. 

Let’s start with Pirate Galaxy, as we can learn a lot about the decline of the Sci-Fi MMO here, and too, because that’s the game I’m supposed to review today. I’ll begin by saying that Pirate Galaxy isn’t a bad game. I don’t want to give you the wrong impression from the start here: Pirate Galaxy is actually quite good. For starters, it has a story. Let me say that one more time: it has a story. You remember what that is, right? It’s the bread and butter of any Sci-Fi adventure; it’s what keeps you coming back, day after day, for another taste of that mind-blowing goodness. If I were to create a list of things that every Sci-Fi MMO must include, story would be right at the top. However, this is something of a double-edged sword, as having a story isn’t enough; it has to be a good story, and it has to be implemented well. That’s where Pirate Galaxy can improve a little.


Flyff V16: Rise of the Muran – Coming This November!

Flyff V16: Rise of the Muran – Coming This November!

Sunnyvale, California – October 4th, 2010. Gala-Net, leading free-to-play online game publisher, is excited to announce the latest expansion for the world renowned 3D MMORPG, Fly for Fun, better known as Flyff!  Being released in early November, V16: Rise of the Muran contains a wealth of new content and will be one of the largest updates released.

In V16: Rise of the Muran, players will uncover the lost region of Kaillun, a diverse territory with peaceful plains and dense forests, just north of the Valley of the Risen.  Roaming the lands of Kaillun is the hostile and violent Lykan tribe, a territorial clan of wolf-men, that feel threatened by their homeland’s recent discovery.  However, nestled within the forest is Eillun, a new city populated by the cat-like Muran race that offers a safe haven for adventurers. Within this massive city, players will uncover the long forgotten and hidden secrets of Madrigal’s past. 

5‭ ‬Ways To Change Your MMO

5‭ ‬Ways To Change Your MMO

by Ron Keith

If you were the great MMO god on-high,‭ ‬the lord arbiter of your virtual world,‭ ‬what would you change‭?

If only,‭ ‬huh‭? ‬If only you got to make the decisions about what to fix and what to add to your MMO...‭ ‬Just for one day.‭ ‬Well,‭ ‬maybe a month or two.‭ ‬Wouldn't that be awesome‭?

You've got a list.‭ ‬Everyone who plays an MMO has one of those lists.‭ ‬There are more than a few things you'd like to change.

It's the nature of gods and humans:‭ ‬You want to remake things in your image.‭ ‬Whether it's school,‭ ‬work,‭ ‬or MMOs,‭ ‬you want to pick up the Promethean clay and mold your own creation.‭ ‬If‭ ‬you were in charge of the universe you certainly wouldn't make something as ridiculous as a duck-billed platypus,‭ ‬would you‭?

But you're probably not in charge.‭ ‬You're probably not a decision maker.‭ ‬You probably feel like just another voice lost in the cacophony of the teeming masses.‭ ‬No one except your buddies on Vent hear what you have to say.‭ ‬You've got all these great ideas for this MMO you love,‭ ‬all these great ways to make it better.‭

How can you get your ideas heard‭? ‬How can you change your MMO‭?

1.‭ ‬Be active in the official forums.‭
‬If you want to change your MMO,‭ ‬if you want to get your ideas out there to the community,‭ ‬you have to start somewhere.‭ ‬And there's no better place than your MMO's forums.

In the forums,‭ ‬you can talk about anything that concerns you‭ – ‬class problems,‭ ‬combat,‭ ‬dungeons‭ – ‬whatever is on your mind.‭ ‬Don't bother with the secondary forums,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬such as the Curse network forums‭ – ‬you'll just be part of the noise in those forums.‭ ‬Use the official game forums.‭

Sure,‭ ‬the official forums usually aren't as much fun‭ – ‬they're tend to be more restrictive‭ (‬Sorry,‭ ‬no boob pictures.‭)‬,‭ ‬but it's the MMO's forums,‭ ‬the‭ ‬official‭ ‬forums.‭ ‬That means the designers and developers are more likely to be reading those forums.‭ ‬Some MMOs actually have developer forums,‭ ‬where developers actually respond to players.‭ ‬Unless you get their cell number,‭ ‬it doesn't get much more direct than that.‭ 

2.‭ ‬Use the in-game support.
In-game support varies greatly from MMO to MMO.‭ ‬Some games have actual game masters who will talk to you about problems,‭ ‬some have an in-game reporting mechanism,‭ ‬and some have slightly less than nothing.‭

If your game has in-game support,‭ ‬it's a good way to alert the developers to bugs,‭ ‬exploits,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬even,‭ ‬cheating‭ (‬Cheating in MMOs‭? ‬That's absurd.‭) ‬that might be undermining their game.‭ ‬Use it.‭ ‬Don't rely on someone else to report problems you discover.‭

An MMO's support can be fantastic,‭ ‬so-so,‭ ‬or it can suck.‭ ‬If it's fantastic,‭ ‬definitely use it.‭ ‬If it's so-so,‭ ‬it's your call.‭ ‬If it sucks,‭ ‬don't waste your time.‭

How do you know if your MMO's support sucks‭? ‬Do you wait days for a response‭? ‬Do you get a form letter response to all your problem reports‭? ‬If so,‭ ‬their support sucks.‭ ‬Don't waste your time reporting problems this way.‭

3.‭ ‬Volunteer for the test server.
Want to have a direct impact on changes to your MMO‭? ‬Sign up for the test server.

Nearly every MMO has a test server where upgrades and patches are first tested before they go live.‭ ‬Normal players like you are usually the guinea pigs.‭ ‬All you have to do is sign up for this server and you become a full-fledged tester for your MMO.‭ ‬Your feedback about the patches,‭ ‬expansions,‭ ‬and upgrades goes directly to the developers.

Perhaps more than any other way,‭ ‬participating on the beta server will have a direct impact on the future of your game.

4.‭ ‬Respond to producer updates and posts.
Many of the producers and lead designers of MMOs post regularly on their game's website.‭ ‬These posts take varying forms,‭ ‬from ongoing blog posts to just informational letters.‭ ‬In many cases you can even post your own replies to these producer updates either directly or in the forums.‭ ‬Do it.‭ ‬Give the producers your feedback.‭ ‬Let them know what you think.‭

Do you think the producers don't read your comments‭?  ‬Ask yourself this:‭  ‬If you post something in the forums,‭ ‬do you go back and read responses to your post‭? ‬Hah‭! ‬Of course you do and so do they.‭ ‬They're just as interested in what people are saying about what they're saying.‭

5.‭ ‬Organize in-game events.
‬Okay,‭ ‬this one's a little tougher and is going to take a bit more effort on your part,‭ ‬but it might be worth it.‭ ‬Let's face it,‭ ‬sometimes the designer events are pretty lame.‭ ‬Yeah,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬go hunt the rabbit eggs.‭ ‬Done that.‭ ‬Been there.‭ ‬Got the t-shirt.

So organize your own events.‭ ‬What sort of events‭? MMOs give you so much leeway the choices are almost endless.‭ ‬You can have competitions to see which parties can run a dungeon the fastest.‭ ‬Who can get the best loot in a‭ ‬24‭ ‬hour period‭? ‬Who can kill the most opposing players in a day‭? ‬Who's the best duelist‭? ‬There are plenty of choices.‭

Advertise your event in the forums,‭ ‬talk it up in region chat,‭ ‬and you'll be surprised how many people you can get to show up for an impromptu event.‭

In Warhammer:‭ ‬Age of Reckoning,‭ ‬for instance,‭ ‬there's no dueling system‭ (‬Yes,‭ ‬quite strange for a PvP/RvR game.‭)‬,‭ ‬yet,‭ ‬players regularly organize their own duels.‭ ‬They get around the lack of a dueling system by meeting up in the RvR areas and just having one-on-one fights.‭ ‬These events are advertised in the forums and lots of people show up for them.‭

If you start organizing events and you get lots of participants,‭ ‬developers might take notice.‭ ‬Maybe they'll have similar events or change the game to accommodate your event's style of gameplay.‭ ‬Even if they don't you're still playing the game the way you want it to be played.‭

Bottom line:‭ ‬Get involved‭! ‬Nothing is going to change in your MMO,‭ ‬no one is going to hear your suggestions,‭ ‬unless you get involved.‭

Copyright (c) 2010 - MMOGames.com

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Monday, October 4, 2010

The Battle of Kings Begins: GamersFirst Launches Hukumdar Online

posted by: Eurynome Mon 4th Oct 2010

The Battle of Kings Begins: GamersFirst Launches Hukumdar Online

Latest MMO RTS Browser Game Released by Leading Free2Play Publisher

October 4, 2010 - Irvine, Calif. - GamersFirst, today’s most popular Free2Play online game destination, partners with IGG to launch the open beta of Hukumdar Online: Battle of Kings. Hukumdar Online is a browser-based MMO RTS game that is now added to the GamersFirst lineup and will be published throughout the U.S. and Turkey.
Hukumdar Online: Battle of Kings is a browser-based strategic war game that utilizes the classic combat rules set down in Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. The story is set in the mystical land of Mu where several races live amid a constant struggle for supremacy. Hukumdar Online boasts hardcore PVP and team strategy in real time. Take control of powerful heroes and command legions of troops while you fight for the spoils of war… and your kingdoms survival. Sharp graphics and quality visuals set Hukumdar Online apart from the competition, and immerse you in the game world – like you were commanding the battles in person! Other features include:
Cultivate heroes to fight for your kingdom
Realistic government and politics
Creative movable maps
Strong Alliance system
Rich array of military units means more intense strategies
Player controlled combat
All players of Hukumdar Online will enjoy a 50% discount on in-store items during open beta, including an affordable starter package that will allow players to quickly advance in the game. Special in-game competitions will be held to win items and prizes throughout the launch. Players can sign up for the game today at the Hukumdar Online home page: www.GamersFirst.com/HukumdarOnline.

Come to http://MMOGames.com to find all of the best Online Games,  MMOs and MMORPGs

Sunday, October 3, 2010

New Martial Arts MMORPG Kitsu Saga Begins Closed Beta!

posted by: UN-gloved 88 Fri 1st Oct 2010

New Martial Arts MMORPG Kitsu Saga Begins Closed Beta!

SANTA CLARA, Calif. – October 1, 2010 – The time has finally come for the champions of the Kitsu to make their stand against the followers of the Golden Dharma King in Kitsu Saga, the newest free-to-play MMORPG from Aeria Games. Today marks the beginning of the game’s Closed Beta Test (CBT), and the mysterious, fox-like Kitsu will be allowing entrance to a select group of warriors.

To thank their dedicated comrades, the Kitsu will be rewarding all participants in the CBT with exclusive in-game treasures, with more prizes granted to those who work hard to defend their world. These items can only be acquired by playing during the CBT period and will be awarded to players at the start of Open Beta.

For creating a character: A festive Jelly Rabbit Hat
For reaching level 10 in CBT: The powerful Babama’s Mace
For reaching level 25 in CBT: The glorious Wings of the Ancients
For reaching level 35 in CBT: The coveted title of Kung Fu Master

Kitsu Saga transforms players into neophyte martial artists, seeking to survive the rigors of training under their faction’s school and become full-fledged warriors to defend their realms from evil. Along the way, they will be joined by the Kitsu, a tribe of helpful foxes descended from a holy nine-tailed spirit. Players will be able to bring the Kitsu’s magic into battle, as well as build relationships with them for powerful items and artifacts.

Stalwart warriors can still sign up to join the CBT at right here at MMOGames.com

Come to http://MMOGames.com to find all of the best Online Games,  MMOs and MMORPGs